Chapter Six "The Dream"

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Ash was just in his room chilling, laying around and just on his phone, and then he got a phone call. "Kyle 😤" was the name that appeared, he sat up and then answered the phone call. Right when Ash picked up, Kyle voiced was on the line "Wassup Ash, how have you been?" Ash just replied, "Oh hey, I guess decent, how about you? You've been missing a lot of school and stuff, you okay there?" "I'm fine, just family stuff made unable to get back, but I heard I'm coming back in a few days, so I wanted to check in on you," Kyle told him. Ash stated, "At least you're fine, I got worried for some time because you were taking a long time," Kyle sighed, "Yep, I'm not dead, no need to worry, I gotta go though, so bye bro," Kyle hanged up and Ash just smiled, 'At least he's fine.'

(With Brook)
Brook was in his dorm room. Not really doing anything until he decided to call Celeste, for curiosity as the letter. It rang for some time, then Celeste voice came on, "Hi Brook! How's it going?" Brook questioned, "I'm good, thanks for asking, I wanted to ask you if you sent that love letter?" Celeste slight blushed with embarrassment and confessed, "Yeah.... Sorry it's kind of cringy..." Celeste put her phone down on her table (it's on speaker) and covered her face with her hands as she was so embarrassed. Brook just pointed out, "Oh okay, just asking because your name was inked out and a friend told me they saw you put it in so kind of figured it was you," Celeste looked at the phone and told him, "oh yeah about that, the ink I was using got in my hand and my hand was on the name area, sorry about that," Brook said, "Oh- well uh, see you tomorrow, sorry just to call to ask you this, have a good day!" Brook hung up quickly and just went to do his homework.

(Back with Ash)
Ash just sat there not doing much before deciding to just have nap. In his dream it was different from what he had many before. He saw himself, but two different versions of him. One looked like what he looked like before the headache situation, and the other was him now just looking slightly meaner. The one that was before ran up to him and yelled, "Stop what you're doing and think! Do you really want harm to others?" The meaner one walked over and glared at him. "Don't listen to him, you must do it, for Brook." He told Ash. Ash stood there thinking to himself the words, 'For Brook' He looked at the other two versions of himself and saw them fighting. "You can't just harm people like that! What will Brook think?" The first on told the other. "Brook? We're doing all of this for him, if you truly loved him, you would know!" The second one argued. Ash commanded, "Stop this argument!" "We will stop when you pick on of us!" The second one yelled. Ash thought before announcing which one he will be choosing. The first one looked into Ash eyes with fear, but hoping Ash will choose him instead of the other one. Second one was just looking at Ash sternly. "I will pick you..." Ash held out his hand to the second one. The first one called out, "Ash! Rethink this, please! What will Brook think if you're a yandere?" The second did not care and just grinned at Ash. "Wise choice of you." He turned into like a more spiritual person and went in Ash. Right after that Ash woke up.

Ash hesitated to get up, in his mind, 'what kind of dream was that?' Ash thought about why did it say yandere and what was the point of picking. He looked around and then checked his clock. 9:27 pm was the time shown, he went to his kitchen area and just grabbed a snack. After the snack he went to brush his teeth and went to his bed and stayed on his phone for some time. When it got slightly later, he went to sleep.


FINALLY DONE HERE YOU GO 👺 Got sick last week, so that why there was no chapter and I didn't have motivation to do anything, 😅 Does the dream thing make sense? Kyle is coming now? 😨 Picture thing on top is supposed to represent Ash bedroom because he's dreaming stuff. Fun fact, this chapter was originally going to be named "Phone Calls" because of the calls in the beginning of this chapter, but I got the idea for the dream and felt like it was more important than the phone calls happening. Well now I guess don't expect a chapter but instead a spoiler because that seems to be happening nowadays. 😅 Merry Christmas (Ik it's late, but still)

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