Chapter Eight "Restaurant"

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Brook didn't really smile back, he still had a gloomy look on his face. Brook checked his phone and said to Ash, "Oh it's 4:53, the others (Phoenix, Robin, Misty, Dawn, Blake) said they wanted to go out and eat." He questioned Ash, "You wanna come?" Ash replied, "I would love too, but homework and I got others things to do." Brook have an unamused expression. "Y'know you could do that after? We just going out to eat."Ash sighed, "You're right, I'll come." Brook got up and went to the door. Ash followed behind.

"Wow, looks who's here, Ash Buckley himself." Phoenix said sarcastic. Ash just rolled his eyes. They just ate and hanged out with one another. It was a fun, chill night for them. It felt nice having Ash "back". A while after when others needed to go, Ash got up and said bye. Ash told Brook, "I'll wait for you outside" Brook nodded. The others waved goodbye to Ash. When Ash left, their tone changed. They had a more serious look on their face. Brook was puzzled, "Wait what?" Blake spoke up, "Brook, before you came here, we had a conversation about Ash..." Dawn claimed, "We were going to to tell you and talk about it more, but you came here with Ash." Brook was still confused, he didn't know what they were talking about. "What was this Ash conversation about?" Robin replied, "Well we all noticed he has been off to us all, expect you..." The others agreed. "Also we noticed he was not as talkative as he usually was and he's just not himself in general." Robin spoke. Misty added, "We're all worried about him, Brook could you at least try to help him?" Brook thought for a moment, he looked up and agreed. The others smiled. Phoenix was annoyed, "If he doesn't want to talk to us, then he doesn't want to, it's a good thing he's not here and not talking and talking." Robin looked at her, "Phoenix, this is serious, we don't know what he's going through, what if he needs help." Dawn looked up to Brook, "Ash's waiting for you, you should leave." Brook waved bye to them and went out.

"Sorry I took so long." Brook said you Ash. Ash look over, "It's fine, what took you so long." Brook paused for a moment, "oh nothing, just wanted to finish some food." Ash nodded and they both went.


😱😱 ayo, I'm back? Got this chapter finished 😄 can't believe it took like a month. Motivation been dead, school stresses me out. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed it. I've been trying to get the other TEP gang more involved. I been so inactive 🥲. Also my chapters are going to be slightly shortened, it will now be 3 "paragraphs" and not 4, to speed up the process . Hope you guys are fine with it

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