Damages, Dinner, and Discourse

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??? POV
After exchanging pleasantries, and getting to know my new siblings, I was guided to my new room by Lincoln since I was staying with him. We walk up the stairs and took a right to a storage closet.

???'s mind: What the fu-

Lincoln: Well, this is our room.

???: Can you even call this a room? It can barely fit 3 people.

Lincoln: I make what I have work.

???: Fair enough.

Lincoln: Okay, you can have the top bunk.

I sat there for second thinking then responded:

???: Actually Lincoln, you can have the top bunk.

Lincoln: Really? Thanks!

???'s mind: It'll make sense in the morning.

Lincoln: Anyways, you might wanna unpack quickly. Dad is almost done with dinner.

And with that Lincoln exited the room. I first rearranged our drawer. I put my clothes on the right and put Lincoln's on the left. I don't have any figurines or pop culture memorabilia, so I have pretty much unpacked. All I had left were my razor, deodorant, and toothbrush and toothpaste. I opened the door to see Lynn and Lucy fighting.

Lucy: Look what you did! You're paying to fix him.

Lynn: It's just a stupid statue. It's not a big deal.

???: What's going on?

Lucy: Lynn broke Edwin because she was using him as a football.

???: I see. Lynn, you should probably pay to fix it.

Lynn: Why should I? It's a stupid statue.

???: mhm. Lynn, can you hand me your hockey stick.

Lynn POV
I was confused as to why he wanted my hockey stick, but whatever. I go in my room to grab it and I walk out to hand it to him. As soon as I hand it to him, he lifts it up and snaps it with knee.


???: Why? It's just a stupid stick.

At this point I realized I couldn't do anything. He literally did the same thing I did.

Lynn: Okay, okay, I get your point. Sorry Lucy, I'll get my allowance.

Although she didn't look like it, Lucy was surprised. She was probably just as shocked as me that he broke my hockey stick. I, reluctantly, handed Lucy $40 dollars to pay for the damages.

Lucy: Thanks Lynn, and I accept your apology.

After that she walked away.

???: Okay, problem solved. Oh, and here's money for a new hockey stick.

He hands me $120 dollars which took me by surprise. How did he have that much money?

Lynn: How do you have that much mon-


Before I could finish my question he was already halfway down the stairs.

Lynn: I'll ask him later.

??? POV
???'s mind: Thank god dinner was ready. I don't know how I would answer Lynn's question.

I make my way to the dinner table. Me and Lynn were the last ones there.

Rita: Hey kids, what were you doing?

???: Just chatting. Getting acquainted.

I could tell Lynn was very annoyed, and Lucy cracked a smile because she knew why.

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