Master Baiter

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18+ topics are mentioned throughout this story.

If was a typical Sunday morning in the Loud
House. Chaotic, disorder, disarray, the whole shangbang. Lincoln, however was not home. He was staying with Clyde because he was leaving for a month on a vacation to Japan, so Lincoln wanted to stay the night at his place since they were going to be separated for a month. Everyone was doing their everyday normal activities. Lori was gossiping, Leni was designing clothes, Luan was preparing for her next gig, Lynn was exercising, Marshall was at Andre's house, Lucy was writing poetry in the home's ventilation system, the twins were playing, Lisa was researching on some fungus, and Lily was napping. Well almost everyone was doing their normal routine.

Luna POV

Luna's mind: Should I really do this? On one hand this is a major invasion of privacy, but on the other hand he looked worried and he might need help. He isn't home so if I'm going to do it I need to do it now.

I made my way to his door, and made my way in. I began searching high and low to find this laptop that had this "private business." Eventually I found it underneath the desk with a piece of paper that has what I'm assuming is the password for it. I type in what was written on the paper, and I was in. I instinctively first thought to check the search history, and oh my god. There was so much porn. Half of the searches were pornography. BDSM. Torture. Literally every kind of porn you can think of was in that search history.

Luna's mind: Holy shit he's addicted. I mean he's a teenage boy, so this is natural, but this is obviously unhealthy. How do I even help with this? Should I even help with this?

I was debating what I should do about this new info when I heard from downstairs:

Marshall: Hey everyone I'm back!

Luna's mind: Fuck.

I hastily turned off the computer, and put it back in it's original place. I quickly exit the room before Marshall could notice me leaving.

Marshall: Hey Luna.

Luna: Oh hey, wassup brah

Marshall: Nothing much. You got anything going on?

Luna: Uh, not really. Probably just work on a song.

Marshall: Cool.

And with that he entered his room. Without another word.

Luna's mind: Hopefully I didn't mess anything up. But what am I gonna do? He's watching an unhealthy amount of it, but it's a natural for teenage boys to watch it. But he's watching it near the younger kids rooms, but it's such a weird to talk to them about as a sibling. Ugh, what am I going to do? Wait, I got it! I'll give facts about all the negative side affects to watching porn, and surely he'll take the bait and stop.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen to see Lori and Leni chatting about something. I get a cup of water to see Marshall also walking in.

Luna's mind: Perfect timing.

Luna: Hey dudes, did you know 60% of teens watch porn?

Lori: What!? 60%! That's disgusting.

Leni: That is so gross.

Luna: I know right. Being that young watching that stuff is super damaging brah.

Lori: I love the internet, but sometimes I hate it.

I glance over to Marshall to see what his reaction is, but he looked like he wasn't even paying attention. In fact, he was leaving the kitchen. I'm going to have to try harder.

30 minutes later

I see Marshall on the couch by himself on his phone, so I took this as another opportunity.

Luna: Hey dude, what'cha watching?

Marshall: Keemstar.

Marshall didn't even make eye contact with me. He just continued watching the video barely acknowledging me.

Luna: Well....I've been watching this documentary about how women in human trafficking are forced to be porn videos.

Marshall raises his head looking intrigued. Maybe he's starting to listen.

Marshall: Really?

Luna: Yeah, been goin on for decades.

Marshall: That's awful.

He stares back phone looking regretful. Maybe he's starting is question himself.

Luna: I know it's awful. Imagine if that happened to one of us.

Marshall: Yeah.. that would be pretty bad.

Marshall then got up from the couch to go upstairs.

Luna: Mission successful.

Midnight Luna POV

I woke up randomly at midnight, but I a craving for something. I walk downstairs to the kitchen, and grab the leftover fried chicken. I walk back upstairs making my way back to my room, but before I open my door I hear a feint noise coming from my right. I investigated figuring it was just one of my siblings talking. But the further I walked I realized it was coming from Marshall and Lincoln's room. I put my ear up to the door to hear the noise from what sounded like a female. I heard moaning coming from the female, so I put the pieces together, and realized what was happening. I couldn't let this continue. I had end this. I knocked on the door and said:

Luna: Marshall, we need to talk.

Immediately the video stopped. There was a strong silence for a minute, but eventually Marshall opened the door slowly.

Marshall: Hey

He was avoiding looking me entirely which I don't blame him for doing.

Luna: We need to talk.

We both sat down on the bunk bed in silence for five minutes, but it felt like forty. I realized that Marshall wasn't going to start the conversation, so I did.

Luna: Why would you watch that stuff when the twins, Lisa, and Lily are literally 10 feet away? What if they walked in?

Marshall face was in his hands not even responding. He was definitely ashamed. He finally then responded saying:

Marshall: I know, I know, it's just...I just can't get over the urge. I just can't stop. It's an addiction that just won't go away. It's been going on for 2 years, and I've tried everything. I know all the downsides. I've known them since the beginning, and I know it's disgusting, but I stop it.

He was apologetic, and he sounded sincere. I never had an addiction, but dad talked about his addiction to cigarettes, and about it took him years to get over it. And he was an adult, so it was probably harder for a kid to get over one.

Luna: Sorry for coming in aggressively I-

Marshall: No, no it's fine. It was necessary.

Luna: No it wasn't. I shouldn't be to hard. But you should continue trying to get over it. The young ones don't need to walk in, and see that stuff.

Marshall nodded his head in agreement. He looked determined to overcome this problem. He finally turned to me, and said:

Marshall: Thanks Luna.

Luna: No problem, man. This is usually where we hug, but you aren't really a hugger, so-

Marshall then hugged Luna tightly. Luna stumbled back a bit since she was caught off-guard, but then returned the hug.

Luna: Well, we should probably go to bed. We have school after all.

Marshall: Yeah probably. Goodnight Luna.

Luna: Night bro.

I make my way back to my room, and crawl back in bed. I sat there staring at the ceiling for a bit thinking about what happened until I shut my eyes to go to sleep.

To be continued.

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