What its like to date...

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[this is based on my own opinion and my observation of their personality/attitude.]


Fitz (Cameron)

- since he hasn't been active in social media he's not the type to show off when it comes to relationships. He would sometimes post a picture/video of you that doesn't show much of your face and caption something simple or nothing at all.

- personally I think he's a private/shy when it comes to PDA especially on camera but he'll still make the first move like hold your hand, wrap his arm around your shoulder. Off camera that's where he is affectionate, he only show this side of him to you and you only.

- insulting each other is normal. He'll reply to your tweets with the most random shit and takes it to a whole new level that fans sometimes think if you two broke up or not.

- he'll give you small gifts, sing you a song, tease you on stream, picks your outfit, looks after you when with the boys is one of his love language. It may not be obvious to the rest but for sure it always gives you butterflies.

- he's a sneaky mf, he'll just randomly kiss you on the forehead and walks off like nothing happened, winks at you unexpectingly and steal glances at you whenever he can.

- he's not the jealous type because he trusts you but when he is he just hides it until the two of you are alone and discuss it like adults.

- whenever he wants your attention he'll say something to get your attention until you give up and give what he wants.

- he's not shy to show you off on his stream/videos. He'll also answer some of the fans question about you two casually and would call you in his office to say hi to the fans.

- he lets you do whatever you want as long as you tell him and you won't get hurt, he supports you all the way.

- even though he let's you be you he still has that protective dad vibes, he'll always ask if you're okay and make sure your mental health is alright.

- if you don't smoke he'll do it outside so it doesn't spread and make the whole place reek of weed. If you smoke (not cannabis) he'll still ask you if he can smoke inside and would offer you, he doesn't force you to do drugs unless you're okay with it.

- he's 6'5/ 6'6 so he literally towers you but that doesn't stop him from pleasuring you first before him. His main priority is always your needs and makes sure you're comfortable.

- he doesn't force you to do something you're not into unless you tell him yourself. He's willing to try something to spice things up in the bedroom.

- I don't think he's the type of guy who has a daddy kink but he can be rough when he's in the mood. He doesn't like being called those types of nicknames and prefers to call you whatever he likes; my girl, love, baby, etc.

- again, this man is tall asf so he sometimes prefers you on top instead. Kitchen counters are a big help.

- aftercare is another one of his best characteristic, he'll prepare you a bath and help you with whatever you need after a good night, unless he's tired he'll do it the next morning.

- protection is always the first thing that comes in his mind before doing the deed that's why there are hidden stashes of condoms lying around the place in case the two of you decided to do it right there instead in the bedroom.

Eric (SwaggerSouls)

- he's open about your relationship, he's not shy to show you off to the fans in his stream and videos. If you're a shy type he'll just mention your name and say something simple yet sweet.

- I feel like he's a hugger or lets say he likes physical touch. Wether on or off the camera he would always come up to you and hold your hand and stay by your side.

- the same with Cam, insulting each other is normal until it turns personal and one of you apologizes cause' the other actually got hurt by the feisty comeback.

- goofing around with him at three am. You two would stay up all night and just blast music from the speakers while dancing around the room and go to the kitchen to bake something.

- similar to Cam, he doesn't force you into something you're not comfortable with but he's willing to go all out, all you have to do is say the word.

- he sometimes gets carred away without realizing it but as soon as it hits him he'll immediately stop and apologize. He'll make sure you're alright.

- I think he likes to make out, he just want to be sweet and gentle most times. It dosen't have to be sex always.

Mason (Zuckles)

- The crackhead himself. Obviously he's literally fuled with so much energy he'll do something stupid enough to make you feel embarrased and crying from laughing at the same time. He's willing to do anything to see you smile.

- he shows you off of his social medias but nothing cheesy about it. He wants everyone to know that he's that lucky bastard to have someone who is a fallen angel.

- Cooking is one of his love language. Surprising as it is he can cook, if he had to step up his cooking skills to cook your favorite dishes he would.

- he would mention you sometimes in his streams. The chat would always mention you telling Mason to get you in the stream which you don't mind.

- he tries his best to control himself from doing drugs. You didn't like the idea of him drowning in drugs so he slowly tries to avoid it as much as possible, though he still smokes you didn't mind that.

- he likes to go out on dates usually at night time. Drinking, going to a club or bowling he's up for anything. His competitive natire always kicks in when you start beating him and ends up him loosing.


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