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WARNING: threesome, degrading, exhibitionism.

Fitz & iNoToRiOuS
(Cam & Matt)

At first, it was all a dare, we would play around and joke about being the Misfits's assistant but didn't think it would turn out to be a serious job. Now I work with them full time, Ryan asked me about it and at first I was a bit sketchy and I laugh about it until he pulls out a contract and talked about the details. He was being serious about it.

Today the boys are gonna record an exclusive spotify podcast so I had to be in the office earlier than them to prepare the set. I parked my car and grab my belongings before heading inside. There was a red car next to mine as I glance at it I noticed it was Matt's car.

"Well you're early today, didn't think you'd be the first one to arrive." I say as I put my bag down the couch. Matt looks up to me and smiled.

"I don't have anything to do this morning so I thought to come here and kill some time while waiting for the others." He replied with a hint of playfulness in his tone.

"I see. Do you mind helping me setting up for the podcast later?" I ask while tying my hair up.

He stood up from the couch and stretches his arms, his black hoodie lifted a bit and exposed his stomach. I quickly looked away feeling flustered.

"Alright. What do you need?" Matt asked.

"Can you please get the pack of beer in the fridge downstairs, I put it in there yesterday." I cleared my throat and tried acting normal as possible.

Matt scoffs and smirked, he knew what he did and felt proud. Matt walked closer to me and stopped, I held my head down and bit my bottom lip.

"Would you mind moving? You're actually blocking the door... unless you want me to stay instead, I'm cool with it." His eyes travels up and down as his deep voice sends chill throughout my back.

"Oh right-sorry!" I say awkwardly and stepped aside still feeling the warmth in my cheeks from embarrassment. Matt lets out a chuckle and heads downstairs.

I went to the table and removed everything once the table is cleared I grab a wet wipe and started cleaning the surface, after that I put back the mics and headphones in its original places then moved to the chairs.

The door opened and caught my attention. Cam came in and removed his coat. "Oh hey. Am I the first one?" He asks as he puts his coat on the couch and sat down.

"Actually no, Matt is downstairs getting the beers for later." I replied and continued to wipe the chair. Cam hums in response and sat in silence.

Matt came back carrying two boxes and places them on the table. "I thought of bringing the whiskey cause' why not." He shrugs his shoulders and pulled out a bottle of whiskey, from Ryan's collection of alcohol.

"Does Ryan know you guys are gonna drink this?" I ask and threw the used wipe.

"Yeah. And don't worry he texted me and got his permission before you got here." Matt unscrews the cap and pours two glass.

"Want one?" He offers.

"No thanks. I'll drink later." I kindly declined and walk towards the couch. Cam looks up from his phone and stood up, heading towards Matt.

"I'll take that." He says. The two boys made a toast and took a sip.

I had my back turn while checking my phone. The two boys were discussing something that I couldn't understand, they were talking too softly almost as if its a whisper.

"Hey (y/n). Could you help me unpack these beers?" Matt asks. I put my phone back in the bag and went back to him.

"Sure." I simply replied and began to place them on the table. Once finished Matt hands me a black tape.

"Cut a strip and cover the brand of every can so we don't have to censor it." I nod and obliged.

Without realizing, Cam was no where to be seen. I was busy on what I was doing that I was unaware of the presence behind me. I didn't notice until a tall shadow towers mine, blocking the light.

"You know this view of you from my perspective is actually pretty." Cam says deeply, I look over my shoulder and met his piercing dark eyes. "What are you talking about."

Cam pushes all of the beer cans to the side and turns me to face him. His big hands founds its way down my legs and lifted me , placing me on the table as he stood in between my legs. He took a moment of silence before speaking again. "But you laying on this table while being fucked ever so roughly is much better. In my opinion."

"What the fuck-"

"Shh. Don't deny it (y/n)." Matt locks the door and walks back to us with his hands behind his back. "Just be an obedient girl and cooperate." Cam grabs both of my wrists as Matt cuffs them with the fluffy handcuffs from the pink bear.

"Hey! This is not a good joke guys, now cut it out!" I manage to push Cam away from me and run towards the door but Matt was fast enough to catch me by my waist and held me in is strong arms.

"Told you she's gonna resist." Matt held me closer to him as his arms gets tighter the more I try to escape. Cam raises his eyebrows and walks towards the couch, he removes everything on it and extended the seats turning it into a portable bed.

"But she's not gonna resist for long." Cam smirks. He walks up to us and looks down at me like a prey.

"Let me warm her up, Matt. I'm sure you won't mind me taking her first, yeah?" Cam asks husky. Matt shifts his eyes to me before letting go, Cam then lifts me on his shoulder like a sack of rice and drops me on the bed.

He removes his shirt and pants leaving him in his boxers, as I try to sit up he pulls on my ankle and hovers over me. "You ain't going nowhere (y/n)."

Cam then connects his lips with mine as my legs wraps around his waist like it has its own mind. I could feel the smirk in the kiss. His hands travels down my body and took off my pants leaving me in my panty.

Cam flips us over, he's now laying down while I'm straddling him. It was still a bit difficult to move because of the handcuffs but he held my waist down to balance myself on top of him.

"Now leaving Matt alone is rude, right (y/n)?" Cam asks then slaps my ass, I jolted up and shift my eyes on my right.

Matt was undressing as well and walked towards us with a smirk. I look back to Cam who is already smiling. "You don't have to worry about a thing babe." He says and slides my panties to the side.

"Pull my boxers down." He commands and I obliged. Once it was removed I resume into my position. "Try to stay quiet as possible, would you? We don't want anyone walking in on us now do we (y/n)?"

Part 2..?

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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