How they act around you when they're drunk...

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[Based on my opinion.]

Fitz (Cameron)

- I guess he's just a chill guy. When he's in a good mood he'll be a bit talkative and in a dancing mood, he'll even sing as a bonus especially if someone starts singing/someone joins him.

- I think everytime he and his friends go out for a drink he's one of those people who's in charge of looking out for their wasted friends so he doesn't drink much, and if he's not in charge he'll for sure would enjoy it.

- takes his time into his drinks, he doesn't down it in one go. When doing shots he's pretty good at it and would do 2 or 3 more, depending on the alcohol.

Swagger (Eric)

- he's a giggly guy, he'll easily laugh at anything when drunk. Even if shit doesn't make any sense he would just laugh his ass off.

- gets easily confused. He'd try to understand the situation/topic and ask questions that would make it much worse, he'll even defend himself if he got into an argument because of the misunderstanding.

- he stutters until he gives up on talking and just sulk about it.

Zuckles (Mason)

- do I even have to explain this one?

iNoToRiOuS (Matt)

- also talkative when drunk, his voice rises unintentionally whenever he tells a story or replies to a conversation.

- will get wasted asf. He can down shots like its nothing and still drink more until he throws up.

- he vibes to music like he's in a concert. Play any song that sets the mood and this mf will shake his head like there's no tomorrow.

McCreamy (Jay)

- the only time I saw him drunk is in Matt's vlog so I don't know much about him.

- I guess he'll be that "can't walk properly and loud wasted" friend. He'll try to catch up with the rest and say nonsense shit.

- he's easy to handle than the rest but is still a loud talker just like Matt. He doesn't care where they are, he'll talk as loud as he pleases.

TobiOnTheTele (Tobi)

- I don't think I've seen her drunk so I can't say much about her.

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