Chapter 2

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Voices tuned in and out of George's hearing, and his half lidded eyes focused on two blurry figures standing in a doorway. Where am I?

He reached up to rub at his temples when he realized his hands were still restrained by rope, just tied to whatever he was lying on.

His movements must have alerted the two as they finished their conversation and one of them left the room. The other, a smaller slim person walked up to him briskly and smiled cheerily down at George, slowly getting clearer.

"Welcome back princie." It was a girl, a woman. Her shoulder-length, dirty blonde hair fell in her eyes as she smiled. Princie? That's a first.

"What are you going to do with me?" George glanced around the room for any clues as to what was to happen to him, finding none he stared wide eyed back up at the woman.

"Oh, we'll worry about that later, we need to get you ready. My name's Mia." She went to offer her hand in a handshake, but realized too late George's hands were tied. "Oops. Haha! Forgot." She giggled and walked over to a huge oak wardrobe.

"Ready for what? You aren't going to kill me?" George tilted his head at her back as she rummaged through sets of clothes. Did she save me from the Rangers? No, I'm still tied, unless she doesn't trust me or something. What the hell is going on?!

"Oh, goodness no, now shut up and put this on." Mia walked back over and threw a uniform on his lap, reaching over to untie him, "Just so you know, there's two Ranger's waiting outside the door and the windows are impossible for you to fit through. So hurry up, we're on a schedule." And with that she released his hands and promptly left the room, the door clicking shut behind her.

"What?" Shocked, George sat there for a few minutes collecting his thoughts. Schedule? Ranger's outside the door, so I am in the Ranger's land. What are they planning to do with me? Torture me to give them the secrets of the Elves? How do I escape- Wait.

George looked down at his lap and held up the clothes he was ordered to wear. At least they were somewhat decent.

He cringed at the Rangers taste of fashion but without complaint he slipped off his own ruined clothes and put on the outfit.

His arrow wound wasn't causing any pain except for a dull throb and he wasn't complaining.

When he finished getting dressed he looked up at the other wall where a mirror was attached, tauntingly at the other side of the room. George grimaced but hesitantly approached it, his leg throbs intensifying a bit more.

I actually look pretty fine- Wait what am I saying. Shut up George. How can you escape this place? What is there to use as a weapon?

As George looked around to investigate, the door was suddenly pushed open and two Rangers in matching uniforms entered the room. "Uhh- hi?" George tried weakly, backing up slightly, limping.

One of the Rangers strode up to him and before he could protest he was being roughly dragged out of the room and through unfamiliar corridors. His leg was banged uselessly across the cold stone floors and George cried out in pain, but the Ranger's didn't move to help him.

"Please, if this is some sick way you execute your prisoners, can you just kill me painlessly please? That's all I ask." George would like to think he was strong and brave, but deep down he knew he was scared to die. Scared of how he was going to die.

He should have known the Rangers wouldn't answer him, but he was losing his internal battle of acting rationally about his situation. And he didn't want to die pathetically, or at all.

I can't love you // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now