Chapter 18

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Dream looked up tiredly, his emerald eyes scanning the room before brightening upon meeting George's. George went to run up to him, but Wilbur held up his hand this time.

"Ah uh uh." He clicked, "You said you wanted to see him. Now you saw him. Now stop this nonsense and get down from there."

George stared at Dream in shock. His parents lied to him and said he wasn't here, but why was Dream here? What were they going to do with him?

George flicked his gaze to Wilburs, and huffed. They really think I won't just go pick up that dagger and force them to listen to me? He thought, rolling his eyes as he turned to pick back up the knife.

But it was gone, and in its place stood an Elven soldier, turning and walking back down quickly with his dagger. George's only hope going with him. How did he not notice him? Were his senses muffled because of the drug?

"No!" He shouted, but the elf had already reached Wilbur's side.

"And now," Wilbur said, taking George's dagger in his hand. "We will put Dream back into the dungeon, and you back in your room."

George was at a loss for words, trying to think something up and failing. He looked at Dream helplessly. Dream smiled sadly up at him, defeated.

As the guards turned to take Dream back, George yelled at them to stop, "Wait! I have an idea! Please hear me out, Dad!"

Wilbur signaled for them to stop, holding a hand up as he waited for George to continue, "Oh? And what's that?"

George inhaled steadily, this was his one chance to fix everything. "Let me marry Dream."

The world seemed to still around them, and George held his breath as he forced his eyes to stay on Wilbur. I hope you still feel the same way Dream.

"What?" Wilbur said, he thought George had been faking his love for Dream. Thinking it was just his way of saving a friend.

George nodded, "If I get married to Dream, then our clans will be forced to stop the war, because we are bonded. A marriage truce." The more he explained his idea the more hopeful he got. The war will finally be over.

Wilbur and Lea stood silently at the far end of the room, thinking. Wilbur went to speak, but it was Lea who stepped forward to give an answer, "Alright. I agree, we agree."

George smiled, trying to meet Dream's eyes which were turned to the floor. Wilbur tried to protest but Lea shushed him, "Will dear, think about it. The war will be over and it will be solved peacefully, like we want it. Let Dream go." She urged him, and Wilbur sighed and complied.

The guards released Dream and he knelt to the floor, in shock of the situation. He was getting married?

George rushed forward, grabbing Dream's shoulders. He tilted Dream's chin upwards and looked deep into his eyes.

Lea pulled Wilbur out of the room and he went with her still mumbling protests, the guards following quietly.

George couldn't read Dream's expression. "I didn't want it to be like this, but I hope you will agree with me. Let me try this again." He cleared his throat, "Dream. Will you marry me?"

Dream stared at him, eyes wide. And George deflated slightly, he should have known it was too soon. But his thoughts were cut off by a soft pair of lips meeting his in a kiss.

Now it was George's turn to widen his eyes, but he quickly closed them as the kiss deepened. Dream tasted like mint and fresh rain and reminded George of past days, filled with peace and sunlight. He thought he knew what love felt like before this, but he was pleasantly wrong. This was so much better.

The two separated only to catch their breath before they continued. Love flowing through them as real as the blood in their veins.

It felt like hours had passed before the two had stopped, but it had only been a few seconds. George pulled Dream into a crushing hug as they breathed each other in deeply. "Is that a yes?" George asked, jokingly.

Dream ruffled his hair fondly, "Of course." 


Why sad? Happy. -G

I can't love you // DreamNotFoundDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora