Chapter 11

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George woke up the next morning and smiled, the sun streamed through his window and he could feel its warmth on his face. It must be late morning by now, he thought, jumping out of bed and running over to the window.

The snow was sparkling like a thousand tiny crystals, blinding him for a moment and at first he thought it was starting to melt. But as he opened his window slightly he could tell winter was still going to be here for a few more days.

But what mattered most was, it was almost gone.

He closed his eyes and breathed in the cold air. A breeze seeped in, chilling him to the bone and he shut the window. George hurried and got ready for the day, waiting in the hallway for Dream's door to open.

It wasn't long before Dream's door opened and a warmly dressed blonde looked down at him.

Dream smiled upon seeing George waiting for him, "Morning George." He yawned, he had stayed up late thinking yesterday. George smiled at him and Dream's heart fluttered.

He's so pretty. His eyes widened, I like George. But I can't, our family's wouldn't approve, at least mine wouldn't. He frowned slightly, but shook his thoughts away as he walked with George.

"Can we not train today?" George asked, looking at his feet, Dream looked up at him, "Why? Do you not enjoy training with me?"

George shook his head vigorously, focusing on a painting of a former Lord Ranger in the hallway, "No, it's just.. we never get any time to just talk. As friends. And besides, my stay is almost over." I don't want to go.

Dream smiled, "Oh, sure. We don't have to train today if you don't want to." I don't want you to go. "Did you have something in mind?"

They had reached the dining hall by now, and Eret was sitting at the table, his presence cutting off whatever response George would have said. Usually Eret was busy, or had eaten earlier so him being here was a surprise. Dream grimaced internally. Great.

"Fancy seeing you here, father." Dream said, keeping his cool. Eret smiled at him, the emotion not quite reaching his eyes. "Ah, well, I'm free right now so I decided to have breakfast with the two of you. Is it a crime to eat with you?" Eret scooped a bite of sausage and eggs into his mouth as he spoke, eyeing the two.

Dream clenched his fists, he had never realised how great a liar and cruel person his father and him were until he had met George. George had changed him for the greater good. Eret on the other hand, was a problem. Here Eret was, pretending everything was okay when he was planning something that would shatter George's world. How was he supposed to save George?

"No. I was just surprised." Dream managed to let out. He sat down carefully, his food being placed before him by a servant. George nodded in thanks to the servants and Dream felt his cold exterior soften at that.

Eret narrowed his eyes at Dream, "So, George." Dream looked up at Eret, suspicious. What are you doing father? Eret smiled innocently at him.

George hummed in acknowledgment waiting for Eret's question. "Only a few more days till Spring." George nodded excitedly, before a look Dream couldn't understand flashed over his face for a brief second.

The silence spoke numbers, awkwardly George and Dream began eating, quickly finishing. Eret meanwhile sat, deep in a day dream, occasionally eating a bite of egg. "Soon." He murmured to himself, but George didn't hear it. Dream stood up suddenly, turning to George, "You ready?"

Eret's glazed eyes focused and he looked over to them, "Where are you headed?"

Dream stared at George's face as he replied, "To the library." George stood, taking his eyes off of Dream's. Eret nodded at Dream's back, "I see. Have fun."

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