Chapter 19

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The next few weeks passed quickly for Dream and George. Wedding preparations were being made and invites were being sent out.

Dream and George spent every moment they could together, pressing small kisses to hands and foreheads, and cuddling each other after every long day. Wilbur and Lea had warmed up to their relationship after a bit and were very supportive, much to the relief of George.

Sapnap had been brought up from the dungeon after Dream told George he was with him down there. George wasn't too surprised and welcomed Sapnap with open arms, thanking him for saving his fiances' life. Sapnap of course took the compliment to his head, and for a few days he wouldn't shut up about it, taking any chance he got to use it to his advantage above Dream.

Sapnap was a little slow as he shuffled around, any movement to his shoulder causing pain to shoot throughout his body. A perfect excuse to not do anything to help, saying he couldn't because he was handicapped.

Dream found out about his fib when he went to ask him something and caught Sapnap reaching up with his 'injured' arm to grab something off a shelf in his bedroom.

Dream laughed as he told George later that day, saying he never saw such a pathetic look on Sapnap's guilty face.

Eventually the day before the wedding arrived and Dream and George were ready for the whole thing to be over, the preparation taking up all their time.

George sighed as he leaned back into Dream's chest. The two, sitting on George's bed as they stared out of the balcony directly across from them. Stars twinkled merrily above the treetops, softly illuminating the tops with the help of the moon. George wished the moment would never end, but sleep put up a good fight.

Dream chuckled softly, ruffling George's hair gently, as he watched George struggle to keep his eyes open. "It's alright love, you can go to sleep."

George shook his head, "I'm not tired." But a yawn betrayed him, Dream laughed as he scowled halfway through the yawn.

"I want to stay up with you." George protested, his argument weak. Dream shook his head, smiling at George's pouty face. George had become a little brat lately, begging for kisses and guilt tripping Dream if he denied him. "I'm going to go to bed soon anyways. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

George frowned, "We have always had a big day ahead of us." He yawned again, Dream turned George over and laid him down, himself, cuddling up against him.

"Yeah, but tomorrow is the biggest one of all, silly." Dream said, closing his eyes and yawning himself. George hummed, and Dream felt him turn around so he was facing him and cuddled into his chest. Cute.

"Someone better close those balcony curtains." George mumbled half heartedly. Dream nodded, barely moving his head, "Mhm." He said, already half asleep. George rolled his eyes at Dream knowing he didn't understand what he was asking, but he let it go. Hopefully it doesn't rain, he thought to himself as he let sleep win.

George was shaken awake gently the next morning, soft wind caressing his face. As he opened his eyes he could see that it was still early morning, and he groaned. "Five more minutes." He grumbled, not caring if Dream heard him or not, he just wanted to sleep.

"Hmmm, nope." Dream said, pretending to think about it. "Get up Georgie, big day."

George rolled over, flopping onto the ground, Dream let out a yelp, surprised. "Careful!"

George sat up, propping his body up with his arms. He giggled, opening his eyes to see Dream's worried face melt into amusement then fake anger. "Very funny." He said, pretending to be mad.

George stood up enveloping Dream in a hug, not that he covered very much with his smaller build. But he tried. "Oh, come on. Don't be mad at me on our wedding day. I'm fine." His voice muffled from pressing his face into Dream's back.

"Fine, I forgive you." Dream said, turning around to put to shame George's small hug. "Now let's go see what we need to do."

George hummed in agreement and the two got dressed quickly, meeting each other in the hallway when they were done. The two smiled stupidly at each other as they turned, hands interlocked, to walk to the main room. George could hardly wrap his head around everything, it all just beginning to sink in. It hadn't really felt all that real before, but now? Nothing could deny he was getting married. Married to his soulmate, his significant other.

Lea smiled up at them as they entered the throne room. Stray wedding decorations were strewn about on the huge table as the servants rushed to put them in their designated spots. "George! Dream!" She greeted them, walking up to them, tears present in the corner of her eyes. "I can't believe my son is getting married." She sniffed, pulling George into a crushing hug. George looked to Dream for help, but Dream just laughed and shrugged.

George stuck his tongue out at him, and Dream returned the gesture, Lea oblivious to their silent silly banter. She stepped out of the hug and held George out at arm length, "Now what color would look good." She mused, half to herself and half to George, not that he was listening. He was too busy making faces at Dream. Goodness but are we acting like children. He laughed internally to himself.

Lea hummed as she agreed to something in her mind, and grabbed Dream's wrist as well, "Alright, follow me." She said, not giving them a chance to follow on their own as she pulled them with her.

They reached their destination rather quickly and Dream and George were shoved gently into the room, hands pulling them to two dressing rooms and pushing clothing into their arms, ordering them to put them on quickly.

The next few hours passed quickly for George. He was fitted with his blue suit and Dream with his black, their hair styled but not too much, and then told to not touch anything for fear of ruining their fits.

Dream of course didn't listen and went to go outside, saying he wanted to go for a walk. George had closed the door in his face with his telekinesis and smirked, saying Dream can't go out, parent's orders. But Dream turned around and picked up George, throwing him over his shoulder before he could figure out what was happening, and rushed them out the door, laughing.

George didn't mind too much, it was only after they came back that he had second thoughts, his hair mussed slightly and dirt on their just shined shoes. Lea had scolded them, calling them worse than children. Dream didn't like that very much, but he pretended to feel bad. Oh how much George loved this man, literally head over heels for him.

Everything couldn't go better

—Almost done huh.—

Why sad? Happy. -G

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