Chapter 9

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George sat quietly in the back of the room, staring at Dream's body as the healer patched his leg up. But his thoughts weren't entirely on Dream, his mind was spinning, a whirl of thoughts. How did I do that back there? Am I some sort of elf hybrid? Experiment gone wrong?

He clutched his head as he thought up theory after theory, each more impossible than the last. Nothing made sense anymore, his life was shattered. Everything he had known about himself was a lie. He wasn't normal. He might not even be a true elf. The thought scared him, I'm an elf, I have to be.

George shook his head of the thought and looked back up at Dream, the healer having already left the room without George's notice.

Dream's even breaths brought comfort to George's ears, and he sighed, getting up slowly to walk over to Dream's bedside.

Eret had been in to check on Dream, but when he saw no potentially life threatening consequences of Dream's injury he had left, having some kind of important meeting he couldn't miss.

George understood. His parents, even with how loving they were, didn't always have the time for him. Instead they spent most of their days working in their offices or going to meetings, George having to have the maids look after him till he was old enough to care for himself.

George stared down at Dream's sun-kissed face. Freckles dotted his cheek and nose, and George noticed a very faint scar running across it. He hadn't noticed that before. George found himself staring for quite a while before he realized how this must look.

He stumbled back quickly and almost tripped over nothing. He regained his balance, standing straight, trying to even his labored breathing. Dream's eyes fluttered slightly, before they opened, turning to look at George.

George felt his face heat up, partly from embarrassment from having woken up Dream by tripping over nothing, and partly from something else he couldn't quite identify. "Oh, I'm sorry if I woke you." George said sheepishly, why am I still blushing, get a hold of yourself George! His eyes looking everywhere but at Dream's.

"What happened to the guy? Is he dead?" Dream asked, propping himself up. He hissed in pain as the movement moved his leg slightly. "What did you do back there?" He turned to stare wide-eyed at George. I've never seen anybody use power like that, I've never even read about something like that!

"Um," George scratched the back of his neck, "I have no idea. It just happened." He looked up at Dream, almost guiltily at not knowing the answer.

"Well, things like this don't just happen." Dream stated, "Something must have triggered you to do that. I think you may have some of the ancient elf powers, I'm just not sure which." He furrowed his brows in thought, now that I think about it, I don't remember reading anything about telekinesis.

"Well it did." George huffed, starting to get annoyed by Dream asking him questions he had no idea how to answer. "I don't know how I have them or why, I'm just as confused as you."

Dream leaned back against the pillow, "Think of what you can do with that kind of power. I can try to teach you? If you want." He said excitedly, looking eagerly at George. Once I show him how to properly control his powers, we can have control over him, father will be so proud. Dream frowned slightly, not quite as thrilled with the idea as before.

George was a nice person, and Dream was rather fond of him. He didn't think he wanted to enslave George anymore. But the wrath of his father"s disappointment overpowered him and he shut out the thought of saving George. His father and clan came first. Not.... George.

"Dream?" George's voice cut through his thoughts, and Dream shook his head. "Sorry, what?"

George smiled slightly, "I said that I would like it if you taught me how to use my powers. If they somehow get out of control I would hate it if I hurt someone." He fiddled with his hands.

Dream's smile faltered a bit, but only for a second. See? George is so kind- shut up!

"Awesome, start tomorrow morning?" He tilted his head in question, and George nodded.


"Alright, try again." Dream held out his hand, a smooth rock nestled in his palm.

Snow layered the ground beneath his feet, and George shivered slightly as he concentrated on the rock. He imagined moving it from Dream's hand to his, but it didn't budge a centimeter.

He huffed in frustration, they had been trying at this for more than an hour, and the cold was starting to get to George. "Can we just try again tomorrow?" He asked, almost whining.

Dream raised a brow, "If we keep putting this off we won't have any time to learn. Spring's almost here you know." He stretched his hand out further, "Come on, I believe in you."

George's heart fluttered strangely at the phrase, but he brushed it off. He burned holes at the rock with his eyes, he reached out a hand towards it and imagined the rock moving. Suddenly the rock flew forward and hit George's face. He cried out and held a hand to his nose. "That wasn't supposed to happen." He laughed weakly, the cut burning.

Dream jogged forward and took George's hand away from his face, "It's not that bad, it will probably scar but that's alright. George shuddered at the hand contact, what is it with me lately?

He looked up at Dream's eyes and the two stood silently for a moment, before the two awkwardly turned, mumbling incoherently. "Good job, if you get better at this we can move on to larger things." Dream said, changing the subject.

George nodded, "I'm a bit cold right now, how about we go warm up and eat something before we try again?"

Dream agreed and the two raced to the castle, not noticing the start of falling snow. 

—Didn't proofread, pog. But anyway, this week is going to be pretty busy for me, but I will try to write, thank you to whoever's reading this, new and old readers. Drink water <3–

Why sad? Happy. -G

"All we have is now." 

I can't love you // DreamNotFoundМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя