Chapter 1

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Alright first day of school, you got this. Just listen to what mom said " Honey it's ok just be yourself and people will like you instantly". I walk into my brand new school, it's kinda big. I shift my gaze over to a girl leaning against a wall in front of me. She looks up from her phone and waves at me, putting a smile on her face. " Hi, I'm Phoenix you must be Sordo?" She said running over

" Yes that's me," I said nervously. 

I can feel my palms start to get kinda sweaty. I always get nervous around new people, especially girls. I can blame my ex girlfriend for that.

" I really like your name, where are you from?" She asked

" Oh my family originates from Spain but I was born here in America," I answer

" That's so cool! Anyway let's get on with the tour ok!"

" Alright,"

I followed after her around the school, seeing where all of my classes would be and where my locker was. " All right, here is our last stop. The lunchroom," Phoenix said

 There were so many different groups of people, I can feel my hands getting sweatier. " Who are they," I asked as I pointed at a group of teens carrying around their skateboards

" Oh that's Vixen and her friends, don't let their faces fool you, they're harmless," Phoenix said

"Oh cool," I respond, still staring at the group

Phoenix continued to show me places after. Like the library, extra classroom, and other places. 

" Alright that concludes the tour, any questions you have?" 

" Um, yeah, where can I sign up for sports and stuff?" I asked

" Oh there should be sign up sheet for all that stuff in the office," she answered

" Ok, thank you,"

" See ya later Sordo!"

" See ya," I yelled as I walked to the office

I headed to the office and looked around for the sign up sheets. I play three sports and am involved in some activities. I play boy's basketball, volleyball, and baseball. For activities I'm in band, I play the electric guitar. I also like to act. I saw that they had everything I was in, so I signed up.  " RING!!!" 

There's the bell, I guess I better head to class. I walked to my first class, English. I'm not a huge fan of reading but I do enjoy writing. I stepped inside the classroom, there was one seat left. Next to that girl I saw earlier, I think her name was Vixen. I sat down next to her and took out a notebook and pencil. I turned to her and said " Hi im Sordo, your Vixen right?"

" Yeah, that's me," She said 

" Do you like to skate?" I asked

 " Actually I do like to skate," She said

" Oh that's cool maybe we could skate together sometime?" I asked

Why did I ask that! I just met this girl, I must look stupid!

" Sounds great, why don't you sit next to my group and I during lunch?" she offered

She wants me to sit next to her during lunch? I'm not complaining, at least I won't be alone on day one of school.

" Sounds like a plan Vixen," I say

" It's just Vix," she stated

" What?" I asked confused

" Only teachers and adults call me Vixen but I prefer Vix,"

" Alright I'll keep that in mind."

I faced the front and started listening to what the teacher was saying. But I eventually started zoning out and thinking about other things. Like what's for lunch and is there anyone single and cute in my area. " Sordo!" the teacher yelled

" Yes?" I said confused

" I'm taking attendance and I called your name three times," she said angrily

" Sorry, I'm here Miss," I said, embarrassed

" Thank you,"

Dang I really need to pay attention in class.  " Ok we are going to introduce ourselves, it shouldn't take us long since they're only 13 of you,"

I think this is the worst part of the first day of school. Introductions. " So why don't we start in the front row from the far left to the right, say your first and last name and one thing you enjoy"

I look to the left. I'm second, Vix is first. She stands up. " My name is Vix Wright and I enjoy drawing," She said

Oh crap it's my turn. I stand up and hit my knee on the desk, and everyone starts to giggle.  " My name is Sordo Cable and I enjoy making music," I said.  

I sat down in my chair careful not to hit anything. Honestly I zoned out the moment I sat down. That happens a lot. My mom is convinced I have ADHD but i'm not too sure. By the time introductions were over an hour had passed by, because people like to talk, class was over. Ugh Only 3 more hours till lunch. I don't know why but all the other hours flew by, maybe English was just boring today. I walked into the lunchroom and looked around. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone waving. I turned and looked, It was Vix. I walked over and sat down. " Hey Sordo how were your classes so far?" Vix asked

" There going okay for classes I guess," I responded

" Oh cool, you joining any sports this year?" One skater looking boy asked

" Yes I am, and your name is?" I asked

" Oh sorry im Jace Chikatilo," he said

" Oh nice to meet you, and I'm joining basketball, baseball, and volleyball,"

" Oh cool I'm joining basketball and baseball so maybe we'll be on the same team,"

" Oh, we'll I hope were on the same team too Jace,"

" So Vix you gonna let him join us?" One person said

" Yeah Vix so how bout it," A blonde chick said

" I don't know, Nicky, Phoebe what do you think?" Vix asked

Vix must have been talking to the people that asked because they responded with " I think he has to go through the trials"

" Really this soon, that seems kinda harsh?" Vix said sarcastically

" I had mine the second day after I started hanging out with you guys," The purple haired guy said

" Hey purple haired guy, what are the trials?" I asked

" First of all my pronouns are they/them and I can't tell you," The purple grape said

" Oh I'm sorry,  and also what's all of your guy's names?" I apologized 

" It's alright I'm Nicky O'Quin, the blondie is Phoebe Brooks, the black haired guy is Matt, and you already know Vix and Jace," Nickey said

" Oh well to anyone who didn't know I'm Sordo Cable," I stated plainly

" Well Sordo be prepared after school, your trials will begin," Nicky said

Then the bell rang then they all stood up in unison and walked away to their next classes, Vix turned around and waved before disappearing around the corner. Well I guess i'm screwed with this whole trial crap

word count (1169) 

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