Chapter 2

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My leg looks like the ground during an earthquake. I'm so goddamn nervous. What were these trials? What did they consist of? What would happen if I failed? As the time ticks away the more my leg shakes. It's last hour and I only have 20 minutes left until it's over. Where was I even supposed to meet them? Probably at the lunch room again. " Sordo what is the answer the number four?" My teacher asks

Shit! I spaced out!

" Umm, 45?" I guess

" Sordo this is Geography, not math," the teacher says annoyed

The whole class giggles

" Oh umm could you repeat the question?" I ask

" Yes, What is the capital of Mongolia?" She says again, tired

" Is it Ulaanbaatar?"

" Actually yes, great work Sordo," She says surprised

Wow maybe today's a lucky day. Maybe the trials won't be so bad after all. " RING!!"

Well time to go make a fool of myself. I grab my bag and head to the lunch room and sit down. I look at my phone and just wait for someone to show up. Then a tall shadow appears over my phone. I look up, it is Vix and everyone. " Are you ready for your trials Sordo?" Vix asks

I gulped and nodded my head. " Do you have a skateboard on hand?" Jace asks

" Yes, yes I do," I respond

" Good your gonna need it," Jace says

Everyone just pulls a skateboard out of their bag, even Phoebe. They walk out the front door and start skating away. I grab my skateboard from my locker real quick and join them. After maybe 30 seconds I catch up and then they suddenly stop. I turn back and stop as well. " Hey why did you guys stop?" I ask, confused

" You passed your first trial now follow us," Nicky says

They all get on their skateboards and start skating towards the school again. What kind of trial was that? Whatever, I get on my skateboard  and start following them.  I'm weaving in and out in between everyone. I grab the bottom of my board and just squat. I feel like I am a part of something for once. I need to pass these tests. At the curb everyone stops, grabs their skateboards, and walks inside the school. So I do the same and follow them inside. 

" Umm where are we going?" I ask

" Well Sordo were heading to the science room for your second trial," Matt says

" Oh, ok then," I respond

I start to get nervous again. Were we going to wreck something? I didn't think these guys did stuff like that. After a few minutes we male it to the science room. " I'm going to need you to take a seat Sordo," Vix said

I sit down in the very front desk and put my stuff down. Jace then drops a packet on my desk. I look up at him confused. " Here's your personality test you have 30 minutes go!"

" But I don't have a-," I feel something hit my head

Phoebe throws a pencil at my head and it lands on my desk. " Start!" Jace shouts

I look at the first question, " What is your favorite color ?" I write down red . Alright question two, " What do you like to do, draw a picture of it." Well I like to draw. I'll draw a picture of Vix I guess. I look up at her she's got straight black hair and gray eyes. She's quite tan and toned. I think the hardest part of the drawing is trying to really capture her gray eyes. It takes me almost twenty minutes to finish her. I only have 10 minutes left to finish 4 more questions. Ok question 3 " What are your pronouns?" Well my pronouns are he/him. Easiest question so far. Question 4 " What is your sexuality?" Well i'm not sure, iv'e never really thought about it. I'll just put not sure. Finally question 5  " Are you ready for trial?" I answer absolutely.

" Times up! Turn in your form," Phoebe demands

" Alright," and I handed her the form 

I can see them all looking through my answers. " Sordo, when you said not sure on question four what do you mean?" Jace asks

" Well I had one past relationship with a girl and it didn't go well and I just haven't dated in a while I just haven't figured things out I guess," I respond

" Oh ok then," Nicky says

They look through the rest of the answers. " Well I'm glad to say you passed Sordo," Vix says

" Yes!" I yell

" Alright time for the last trial follow me," Vix says

Everyone grabs their skateboards and runs out of the school. We start skating towards the forest near my house on the far west side. When the road turned to gravel that's when we stop. " Ok Sordo we have made a list of things for you to get in the forest and bring back, you have one hour," Nicky says

" Here's the list," Vix says as she hands me the list

" Your hour starts now, go!" Jace yells

I run into the forest and start looking around. What am I even looking for? Idiot look at the list: spider, snake, and finally a Gloriosa daisy. Well, time to get looking. I start running, then I step on something squishy. I look down, it's a garter snake. Perfect. I grab it and hold on to it. I keep running straight forward looking for the spider and daisy. 

" Ugh, it's been almost an hour where is all the stupid spiders!?"

I keep walking, then I felt something weird on my face. It's a spider web! I look around and find it, a spider. I grab it and sigh. I look at my phone. I only have 5 minutes! I run back towards the starting area as fast as I can. I can feel the wind blowing past my face as I race against the clock. 

" Well look who's just on time, got everything?" Nicky says mockingly

" I got everything but the Gloriosa daisy," I say

" Well you got the two most dangerous things, that's good enough you pass," Vix says

" Good, so am I a part of, whatever you call this?" I ask

" Ya, we'll see you at school tomorrow," Vix says

" Ok bye everybody," I says

I hop on my skateboard and start heading home. It's already dark out. I'm almost past the forest and at my house when I see a golden light coming from the forest. I stop and look around, what could cause that light? Well now i'm curious. I decide to follow the light into the forest. This forest is amazing. There's a stream flowing past me on my right filled with moss covered rocks  The trees are perfectly orange, red, and yellow. A path perfectly beneath my feet. Then instead of fireflies there were string lights. How did these get here? Then a cave with rocks in front, and what looks like furniture almost. I look around and found where the main source of the light is coming from.

 An oil lamp sitting on a rock. And there was a boy sitting on a rock as well, reading a book. He had white hair but not old man white but a light grey white that looked good on only some people. He had deep chocolate brown eyes that you could melt in. He was also extremely short 5"2 at max and almost no muscle. He's kinda- . He looked up from his book and caught me staring. I look down and start to walk out of the forest. I got past the stream and felt something grab my wrist. I turn around to see what it is, it's the boy? He looks at me with his brown eyes that look bigger because of his rounded glasses. " U-umm what do you need?" I ask

He just looks up at me with a straight face. " Ok then," I say

I turn back around and start walking towards home. I know he's following me, I can feel him staring at me. Why was he following me? Was he making fun of me? I turned around and face the boy. I can feel a hard blush come across my face of embarrassment and from how cute he is. 

" Listen if you aren't going to talk to me, why are you still following me?" I ask

" I don't know you just seem , interesting?" He says

Wow he actually spoke.

" Listen I'm just another freak to laugh at alright, there's nothing interesting about me!" I yell

" Is that what you think? I thought you were pretty cute," He says

I could feel myself tensing up and my previous blush probably getting redder. I look at his face, he has a hard blush too. " Do you have a place to live?" I ask quietly

( 1493 words )

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