Chapter 15

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3 years later

" Well what the hell is this kind of equation?" I yell

" I don't know Sordo the entire class is stuck on it," My friend Amy says

" I regret going in Bio genetics," I complain

" Whatever, let's just get this solved alright," She says

I look down at this impossible equation. I then hear a ping from my phone. It's from Vix! I haven't heard from her in a while. What does she want? I open up the text and read. " Hey I know your super busy and stressed with college but Nicky, Jace, and my friends are going to a club tonight and we wanted to invite you and a plus one to come with, if you want to come we'll pick you up at 8 outside your dorm building"

Well maybe I should take that offer? " Hey Amy, do you wanna go to a club with some of my old friends and I?" I ask her

" Sure why not we've been studying hard so a break wouldn't be so bad,"

" Alright get a good outfit on and meet me at the front door alright,"

" Okay," she says, grabbing her things and running out the door to her room

I text Vix back saying " Hey, ya i'll come, i'm bringing my friend Amy, we'll be ready by 8"

I put my phone down and look through my closet. I grab a pair of ripped jeans and my Nike blazers. I then look for a good shirt, I find a white polo. I head to Amy's dorm. I check my phone, it's 7:50. 10 minute left, were good on time. I make it to Amy's dorm and she's got a sparkly dress and some heels on. We head downstairs and wait by the door. We see a black limo pull up in front of us. The window rolls down. It's Vix. " Get in losers we're going to the strip club," She says

I run to the door and open it and give her a big hug. " I haven't seen you in forever Vixy,"

" Hey hands off my women, pervert," I hear

I look over Vix's shoulder it's Nicky. " Dang Nicky you scored,"

" Alright you two get in here so we can go," Jace complains

" Still grumpy as usual Jace," I say

Amy and I climb in and sit down. We just have a long conversation about relationships and how everyone else is doing. Matt and Phoebe got married and now have a kid. That's really fast but they're meant for each other. Vix is the leader of a street gang and Nicky and Jace are members of it. Before I know it we pull up to the club. It's name is Pennies. Cool name I guess. We all get out of the limo. Amy and I follow Vix and the others. They walk straight to the front and walk through. Amy and I are cut off by a security guard though. " Hey, they're with us douche!" Vix yells

The security guard then let's us through. We walk in. The place is literally lit. It's so neon. " Ok party animals first show is at 9 last one is at 1 so have fun and drink up," Vix tells us

" Anytime you buy anything at the bar just put it on Vix's tab," Jace says

I nod and walk over to the bar. I sit down at the bar and call over the bartender. " Can I get a corkscrew, extra rum"

" And how are you going to pay?" he asks

" Just put it on Vix's tab," I respond

" Alright it will be just a moment sir,"

He walks away to make my drink. A few minutes later he comes back with my drink. I spin around in the bar stool and look out onto the floor. The first show should be starting soon. " Hey, you come here alone?" A guy sitting next to me asks

" Are you talking to me?" I ask

" Yeah, you here alone?"

" I came with just a couple of friends,"

" Oh so no relationship?"

" I guess not?"

" Alright then," He says, getting up from his seat and coming onto me. He grabs my thigh and tries to grab my face. I try to push him off me, but can't. I slap him as hard as I can. 

" What the fuck man!"

" What you said you weren't in a relationship?"

" That doesn't give you the right to come on to me!"

I see Vix and Jace come up behind the guy. " Is there a problem here?" Vix asks the guy, grabbing his shoulder.

" Nothing little girl, what are you doing in a club anyway,"

Vix then pulls a gun out of her side holster. She brings it underneath his chin and takes the safety off. " You wanna fucking say that again?" She says slowly

Jace then walks in front of the guy and grabs his jaw. " If you know what's good for you, you'll leave this guy alone and leave this club," Jace says

Vix then pulls the gun away and Jace lets go of his jaw. The guy rubs his face and walks away to the front of the club. " Thanks guys, I really appreciate it," I say

" No problem, just be careful alright," Vix says

" Alright, now go enjoy the show," I say

They walk away and sit down near the stage. I sit back down at the bar and finish my corkscrew. I order a few cosmopolitans and a purple haze cocktail. I sit back and just sip. I'm starting to feel extremely woozy. I look at a clock on the wall, it's time for the last show. I'm feeling confident so I go to the front row and take a seat on the couch.

The announcer is really specific with this dancer. " Now our top dancer, he's so hot he'll make you melt. Our shining stone Diamond!"

The curtains then open and a guy is slowly walking. He's wearing heels. Probably around 7 inches. He is flipping and moving around the pole as if it was easy. I still feel kind of woozy but I feel as though I recognize him. But i'm not quite sure. The dancer is skinny. No muscle or fat, cute. He has grey hair. But not old man gray, it's the type of gray that only some people look good with. He's so familiar. I move closer to the stage to get a better look. He walks down the runway area. He's down on the ground dancing to the song Candy Shop. He is on the edge of the stage. His head falling off the edge. He opens his eyes and looks up at me. His eyes are deep chocolate brown. He brings his hands up to my face and then does kind of a sit up sliding his hands off my face. He continues to dance all over the runway. At the end of the song he's back on the edge. He's sitting like an anime girl almost. Wait, now I remember. Oscar! I look at him and he looks at me, he looks at me. His eyes go wide. I think he knows now too. His gets off the stage and walks to me. He grabs my face. I lean into his hand. " S-Sordo?" He says with a shaky voice

" Oscar, get your ass back here!" I hear from backstage

He brings his hand quickly away from my face. He looks up at me again and then runs back onto the stage and off the back. No, no, no, no, this can't happen again. I'm not losing you again. 

" Hey you okay Sordo," I hear someone say.

I turn around. It's Nicky.

( 1297 words ) 

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