Chapter 7

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" Why did I even follow you home!" Oscar yells

" W-what," I say confused

Oscar slowly walks towards me. I back up. My foot slips on an edge. I regain my balance and look back. I'm on a cliff! " You're just one big joke Sordo! I need a man who will be able to defend me who's not insecure, your just, a kid," he says sharply

I can feel tears streaming down my face. " Why are you doing this?" I ask

He slowly walks up to me and he's facing me head on. " Because your not good enough for me, not now, not ever," and with those final words he pushes me, and I fall off the cliff. 

I jolt upright. I'm, in my bed? It must've been a dream. I start crying. Does, does Oscar feel that way? Am I, am I not good enough for him? At this point my tears are just streaming. I put my head on my knees and curl into a little ball. " Hey what's wrong Sordo?" I hear

I bring my head up right. It's Oscar, he's awake. " Hey why are you crying?" he asks

" I-it's nothing," I say, breathing really hard in between words, still crying. 

" Do you wanna talk about it?"

" N-not now,"

" Alright then," He says hugging me.

There's now this silence between us. It's not awkward or uncomfortable. It's a, nice silence.

 " Well we're not going to be able to fall back asleep at 6 am so we might as well go back downstairs ok," Oscar says

" Alright then,"

I sit up and open up the wall, slowly and quietly so no one wakes up. Everyone is sound asleep and cuddling. I grab my phone and speaker and step out of bed. Oscar follows, watching where he steps so he doesn't step on anyone. I find the floor board where the ladder is and push the ladder down. I slowly climb down the ladder to the second floor. Oscar continues to follow. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen and sit's down at the island. " Do you want to make breakfast for everyone else?" Oscar asks

" Sure, why don't we look in my grandmother's old cook book. She was a really good cook," I say

" Alright, why don't you go grab it,"

" Ok be right back,"

I walk over to our bookcase in the living room and start skimming through. Found it! I pull it out from the bookcase and walk back into the kitchen. I set it down on the island and blow the dust off. " Oh my goodness that's old," Oscar says

" Yeah it was in our attic for a long time I guess," I say

" Cool can I look for a good recipe?" Oscar asks

" Sure, go right ahead," I say

He sits down at the island and opens the book, looking for a breakfast recipe. 

" Hey what about beignets?"

" That sounds amazing, good idea!"

" Alright so we need flour, salt, sugar, whole milk, yeast, eggs, butter, vegetable oil, and powdered sugar,"

" Alright I'll get that out for you,"

I walk over to our baking cabinet and grab the flour, salt, sugar, yeast, vegetable oil, and the powdered sugar. I stack all the containers and grab them and bring them to the island. I then walk to the fridge and grab the milk, eggs, and butter. I also set them on the island. I grab the mixer and bowls along with the measuring cups. " Alright you can start measuring and i'll put on some music," I say

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