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"Yo! Val, You're looking a little shiny." Someone yelled out to the girl making her eyes widen in fear.

"Oh!" The girls hand went to shield her face. "It's my Becca highlighter." Valerie called out hurrying to make it into the school. "I shouldn't have come today. Why didn't Alice say the sun was going to shine a little." The girl sighed leaning against a random locker.

"The weather changed last minute. It happens." Rasasquatch walked up to the girl trying to comfort her in anyway she could because lets be honest. She knows Valerie dislikes her very much. "You need to leave."

"By myself?" The redhead asked in disbelief.

"Well, I don't have to worry about the sun. You know that." Nessie shrugged before taking off.

Frustratingly sighing, Valerie made the courageous decision to run home, in broad daylight. Which to her dismay is her least favorite thing in the world. Scratch that. She loves it, but if she were human she would hate it and she would most definitely be out of breath and or wheezing. Overeacting? Definatly.

"Oh, look who it is." Emmet walked out of the house to great his favorite genz kid.

"Do you want to watch Tiktoks?" She asked.

"Val, you had me at' Do you'" Emmet replied and patted the spot next to him.
When she arrived, he was already comfortly lying on her bed with a big smile. "Hey, you think i can go viral i do the wap?"

"Emmet! you know the rules about social media." Esmes voice ran through the house making the red head laugh uncontrollably into her pillow, which Emmet had hit her with.

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