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"Hold up! So you're saying because I look twelve, I have to start in the sixth grade everywhere we go? Say cap right now." Valerie starred at everyone in the house. "You've lost your mind." The girl attempted to run, but Alice had already warned the family about that so they had been ready to stop her.

"Valerie, do you really think we all want to keep repeating school?"

"Well, you actually go. So, yes." She attempted to run again, but she hadn't realized Jasper and Emmet were still holding each of her arms. "You can't make me." She shook them off.  "Esme, please I beg you." The girl walked over to the woman in charge. "Please. I already had to suffer 11 years of school don't make me add  Seven and the rest of eternity. Please."

"I'm sorry, Valerie. We have to keep a low profile. We have to try to fit in. To look unsuspicious." Esme, for all intent and purposes explained herself. If vampires could cry, Valerie would definitely be crying.

Suspicious. Don't be Suspicious

"Listen Valerie-" Rosalie attempted to talk to the girl.


"I really don't want to hear it." She walked out of the room and out of the house to go anywhere. Anywhere was better than being tapped inside a house full of vampires. She already had to move across the country, leave her friends and family behind and now this. No, this is hell.

Well, maybe not so much. If there was one thing the girl enjoyed, it was walking through the woods and seeing things the human eye couldn't see. Such as the ants trailing up the tree. How fast a hummingbird could flap its wings. It was all beyond one of the best things she ever can experience. But still, it didn't compare. Eternal life will never be worth it.

Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. 

Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious.

"Valerie. You're being ridiculous right now." The voice made her stop walking and turn around. She rolled her eyes finding one of her least favorite Cullens standing there.

"Valerie, you're being ridiculous right now." The girl mimicked the elder vampire. "Just leave me alone Edward. You don't even like me."

"True." Edward agreed making the girl frown. Even though she knew he didn't like her, she was hoping he'd deny it. It's what most people do. "But I still have to tolerate you whether I want to or not."

"I have to tolerate you weather i want to or not." She mimicked again. "Jesus Christ. If I knew I would end up living with you I would have never tried to take my life. Just leave me alone." The red head shouted and continued walking to god knows where. For all she cared; she hoped she met real death. And she almost did.

Right when she was about to cross over a large ditch, a gray werewolf showed up growling getting ready to attack if she crossed the treaty line, but Edward had managed to keep her from jumping by holding her back.

"Paul, it's okay. She's with us."

"Paul? It has a name." The red head questioned looking between Edward and the wolf.

"Yes, she's new and still learning." Valerie looked over at Edward and realized he was talking to the werewolf. "If you could, please let Quil know that Carlisle would like to speak with him. Thank you."

"Who's Quil?" She asked watching the wolf run off.

"The Alpha."



"So because you read minds, you can also talk to all animals?"

"No." Edward replied running home only to be followed by Valerie who seemed to complexity forget she was even mad at him in the first place. This annoyed him and as much as he wanted to turn around a fight her the way he and his siblings did, she was currently a lot stronger since she still carries some of her human blood in her system. for godlike, she still has red eyes.

"How does it work?"

"I can read human minds." Edward answered upon arriving back to the house. Within seconds Emmett, Rosalie, Bella and Jasper were joining them in the family room, each one tf them taking a seat. Most, entertained by the ridiculousness and others siding against.

"Human minds-wait. So you're saying they're werewerewolfs? Cap, I'm calling it right now. Cap." Valerie insisted placing her hands on her hips. 

"Hold on." Emmet Shyly raised his hand. "What exactly does Cap mean?"

"Already on it." Jasper was the first to reply. "According to urban dictionary, Cap; the word lying but built different. Here's an example. 'Yo that's cap I didn't fuck the do- okay I officially hate the internet." Jasper gave up and locked his phone.

All that was heard was Emmet's laugh. "Isn't she so cool?"

"No." Edward and Rosalie replied at the same time making not just him to stop smiling but Bella who has all too quickly agreed with him.

"And there's your answer Rosalie. Why doesn't she like me anymore?" Valerie mimicked the blonde. "-because you're a bitch! You're not even that pretty, maybe back in the twenties you were but not today and let's not forget the fact that you're pro-life."

"Valerie, you're crossing the line." Edward began only to get cut off by the red head.

"You know what, I'm going to finish this. Bella it's being a teen mom for me. Edward it's the breaking into an innocent females house and watching her sleep for me. Alice, it's seeing the future and not stop any major human atrocities for me, You could have stopped Ted Bundy. Emmet, you're perfect, keep being you."

"Valerie, that's enough." Jasper stood up to stop the girl, but she was going to keep on going witch is why he decided to join in. "Fine, it's the being a depressed teenager and trying to end your life for me."

"Jasper, it's the being a confederate solider for me!" The girl shouted at the top of her lungs. 

Nobody, no a single person said a thing, because deep down they knew she was right about that one, but even then, that one crossed the line and if Esme had been home, she would have been so angry. Though, then there's the fact that Valerie would have continued and they all knew she would have said some thing about Carlisle as well, and as much as Edward hate's the idea, he knows there would have been a vote. Who was more in the wrong, Carlisle or Jasper?

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