Season 2 trailer

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A/N: whenever you see '~~~~~~~' it means it's a different scene from the trailer

Yakko wakko dot and abbey were being interviewed.

Yakko: hello everyone. Based on your recent search terms how to make friends funny things to look at and harmless dinosaurs The following ad was Taylor made just for you.

Abbey: When you're about to see is the trailer for season 2 of Animaniacs

Dot: you're welcome America!

Yakko: Roll it!

The trailer for season 2 started


God: let the games begin!

Abbey: i'm sure it's nothing we can't handle.

The Warner's and abbey were about to be attacked by tigers but dot pointed a cat laser at the god to make The Tigers attack him.

Dot: are you not entertained?

The crowd cheered


The Warner's and abbey sail away on a boat.


Teenager: Who are these things?

Yakko: not a Hulu subscriber I'm guessing. We'll get you a 7 day free trial.

Abbey: after that it's only 6.99 a month.


Scratchansniff: you been shopping with my phone again!

Yakko: no we haven't.

Scratchansniff: then who bought the industrial meat grinder?


Yakko: we can do this in a calm professional manner or zany antics.

Abbey: you know before I met you guys I would've said calm and professional manner but now I love zany antics

Wakko and dot: antics! Antics!

Yakko: cue the antics!


Yakko wakko dot and abbey's heads were almost chopped off.


King: what is the meaning of all this nonsense?!

Yakko: relax we're jesters that's what we do


All: we're Animanie! Totally insane-y. Back again-y. Animaniacs! Those are the facts.


Abbey: you turned me into a rat?!

Brain: actually you're a mouse.

Pinky: it's pinky Abbey and the brain!

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