35. São Paulo

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My loaded question hangs between us, choking the life out of the room. My eyes are riveted on him. I'm waiting for his answer. The not-knowing is killing me. 

Deep in thought, Cruz doesn't rush to ease the tension. 

His handsome face contorts with anguish when he, at last, speaks up, "He tried to once when I was ten, but my mom stopped him."


"Yeah. It was the only time she ever threatened to leave him. My dad hasn't tried to hit me since then."

I stare at him with some doubt. "You swear?"

Is he lying just to make me feel more at ease?

Cruz insists, "I swear. I think it helps that I'm bigger now, too. My dad knows I can take him in a fight, so he's not gonna start something knowing that I might punch him out."

I frown, uncertain about whether or not to believe him. "Huh."

Cruz seems to pick up on my skepticism, insisting again, "I'm not lying to you, Athena. I promise. My dad just likes to yell a lot and throw shit around."

"No kidding."

"Pride... is a big deal for my dad. Usually, as long as I keep my grades up, win my games, and clean my room, he leaves me alone because I make him look good."

Indignation rises in my chest. "Fuck his pride."

"Well, it's better than the alternative, right?"

My face crumples a little. "I guess so..."

"He's probably not gonna hurt us as long as we make him feel like top dog," Cruz mutters bitterly, "but you need to be careful around him. My dad's been holding back for a long time. This nice guy act is taking a toll on him. He's starting to slip up around you and your aunt now."

"I hate that we have to live under his roof," I grumble. "I need to convince my aunt to leave him."

"Do you think she'll listen?"

"Doubt it," I sigh.

He grimaces. "It's kinda impossible to convince someone who's not ready to accept the truth."

Cruz sounds like he's speaking from experience. I can't help but agree with him. Aunt Katrina seems like she's all too willing to drink Ron's Kool-Aid.

"Did you ever try to convince your mom to leave your dad?"

He nods with a jerk of his chin.

"Your mom didn't want to listen, did she?"

Cruz shakes his head. "Unfortunately, no."

"Then, why did your mom leave when you were eleven? How come you're not with her right now?" I inquire curiously.

For several long moments, he doesn't answer my question. Cruz looks like he's having a really hard time bringing up his mom.

I'm about to drop the subject when Cruz pipes up, "Because she's not in the US anymore."

My eyebrows shoot up. "What? Where is she, then?"

"São Paulo."

São... Paulo?

Is that city in Brazil?

I'm pretty sure it's in Brazil.

"Why did your mom go to... São Paulo?"

Grief weighs on his features. "My grandma passed away around that time. My mom was only supposed to be gone for a few weeks. She planned to attend the funeral, clean out my grandma's apartment, and fly back to the States."

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