2. We Need You

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Clary's POV
Jace and I are with the doctor at the Institute and Adley still hasn't woken up. They've tried everything they can and now we've been told to just wait. They also used her healing rune a few times and it sort of helped. Jace is on Adley's right side of her, holding her right hand. I'm on her left side, holding her left hand. I lightly rub her forehead but hold her hand tight because I'm so scared for my daughter. All of a sudden Simon, Izzy, Magnus and Alec come running.

"Hey, how is she?" Magnus asks us "They tried everything, we've been told to just wait for her to wake up." I say nervously and Magnus comes up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"She'll be ok biscuit, Adley's strong. Just like her parents. I know it" Magnus helps me and I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Is the demon blood still in her?" Izzy asks and I look up at her.

"They can only check when she wakes up for that. Where are Caspian and Josh?" I ask them, when I realize they're not here.

"We told them we just want the family with her." Alec explains and I actually agree with that. I just hope they're not stressing out too much.

"Please wake up honey, we need you." I beg her and just look at my beautiful daughter.

Josh's POV
As Caspian and I are waiting at the Institute for Adley, I can't help but keeping on walking back and forth. Caspian is just sitting down looking fine. He's Adley's boyfriend, he should be freaking out way more than I am. I hate him

"Why are you just sitting there all chill?! Your girlfriend could possibly die you know!" I yell at him and Caspian gets up and looks at me pissed.

"You don't think I'm not just as scared as you! I am because she is my girlfriend! My first love! Don't think I'm not as scared about losing her!" Caspian yells back to me and I look at him shocked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." I apologize and he rolls his eyes and sits back down.

"Everyone handles these situations differently Josh. Not everyone panics the same." Caspian explains and he's totally right. I ignore him now and just keep pacing and panicking. Izzy comes up to us and gives us both cucumber sandwiches.

"Here, you two will probably need some food in you. Don't worry Clary made them not me. I know I'm not good at making them or any food for that matter." Isabelle makes fun of herself.

"Thank you Izzy, how is she?" I ask her and she sighs, which gets Caspian up and me more nervous. "We just have to wait for her to wake up but the problem is we don't know what she's going to be like when she does." Izzy explains and Caspian and I look down and my hands start to shake. Izzy notices and stops them.

"Hey, Adley's strong you guys. She's going to be ok." Isabelle tries to relax us and probably mainly me. "I gotta get back but you two just stay here and eat." She demands us and walks back. Caspian and I just sit back down and eat.

"What do we do if she doesn't wake up?" Caspian asks me and my heart starts to beat fast.

"Can we just not think about that right now." I tell him "Yeah, agreed, sorry" He apologizes and I just shake my leg while eating. Please wake up Adley

Is Adley going to wake up? What will she be like when she does? ❤️

Shadowhunters Fight Like Hero's (Shadowhunters) Sequel (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now