10. I'm Here For You

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Adley's POV
As I'm at Java Jones with Josh right now and my horrible sleep from last night keeps getting to me. I don't know why I screamed like that. I felt horrible when I saw uncle Alec and uncle Magnus' terrified looks on their faces when they came running in the room.

"Adley, Ad's" I hear Josh say and he stops me from tapping my finger on the table. "It's the demon fear, isn't it?" Josh worries and I sigh.

"Yeah I'm sorry, ok distract me. Tell me everything going on with you." I tell him and he catches me up on him and I see the demon behind Josh that possessed me. I freeze and shake as hard as I can but I can't help it.

"Adley, Adley, what's going on?" Josh panics and he holds my hand but the demon is coming closer to me. All of a sudden I pass out.

Demon's POV
"Adley, Adley, what's happening?" This kid asks me and I give him a smirk.

"I'm baaack" I tell him and he looks at me scared and it gives me joy except somehow I get knocked out by him.

Jace's POV
The family and I are talking at Alec and Magnus' and Josh comes running in with Adley in his arms and sets her on the couch.

"What happened?" I ask him and he takes deep breaths and he's shaking. Clary goes up to him and hugs him.

"Honey, Josh, it's ok, you're safe here what happened?" Clary helps him "It's back in her" He says out of the blue.

"What!" We all practically yell at him. Adley wakes up and screams.

"Get out, get out, get out!!" Clary and I hold her hands quick and look in her eyes.

"You're ok, sweetie you're ok." I tell her and she hugs us tight. Than she pushes us away hard and has black eyes and than brown eyes.

"You're daughter's getting stronger" It says "GRAB IT!" Magnus says quickly and Alec and I grab it by Adley's arms tight. We trap it by chaining it up tight and it fights hard to get out.

"What do you want with our daughter so badly?" Clary asks it and it smiles at her.

"Your daughter has an interesting mind. She's kind, loving, caring, thoughtful. She's too kind, so I want to change that. Make her see hell, make her feel it." The demon explains

"Well you've been messing with the wrong girl. Adley is one of the strongest young Shadowhunters in this institute. She is going to win over your possessions." Magnus threatens it and he's not wrong. After he says that the demon screams so loud and high pitched that it sounds like Adley.

"Is that Adley?!!" I shout loud over it. "It is she's trying to get out!!" Magnus replies loud

"GET OUT!!" Adley screams and we all look at each other worried. Adley falls to the ground in exhaustion and takes tons of breaths.

"Adley?" I ask her to see if she's back now. She slowly looks up and nods her head and is sweating. Clary, Magnus and I bend down to her on the floor and Magnus grabs her face so he can check her eyes.

"It's out for now, drink this. It should help keep it away for a while." He gives her the medicine and she drinks it slowly. "Get some sleep so it can flow in smoothly ok little bug." Magnus suggest and after we unchain her she sleeps on the couch fast and Caspian stays with her.

"That was incredibly brave of Adley to do. Power out the demon by herself." Izzy points out and we all nod in agreement. Than we see a figure in the middle of us.

"It's the demon" Alec whispers and Magnus quietly and quickly grabs something to destroy it. He pours it over it and the demon screams like it's on fire.

"It was nice knowing you guys." We hear the demon say after it leaves and it's gone.

"Is it truly gone?" Izzy asks "I hope" Magnus informs us and Clary and I hug each other in relief. We all go check on Adley and her and Caspian are passed out on the couch in each other's arms.

"What you're not going to stop them?" Clary questions me "No, I'll let her rest." She looks at me shocked. "What, he's actually a good kid." I tell her and we all move to a different room to leave them alone.

"So it wanted Adley because it wanted her to feel hell. Make her feel pain, I've never heard of a demon doing that before." Izzy points out

"I think it's probably because when the demon was human and alive it probably didn't get as much love as Adley does. Didn't have many people to rely on like she does. It wanted to feel that." Magnus suggests and that sounds about right.

After an hour of talking Caspian comes out and we all look at him.

"How is she doing?" I ask him "She's sleeping away, I think we should just leave her alone now. Give her some space" Caspian suggests

"Yes but one of us should be with her when she wakes up so she's not alone." Alec tells us

"I'll stay for when she wakes up." Izzy offers "Thank you Izzy" I tell her and she smiles at me.

"Oh if she feels any pain or just anything really give her this when she wakes up." Magnus informs Izzy and hands her some liquid. "I will" Than my phone goes off and it's a demon alert.

"Demon alert, we gotta go guys." I tell everyone and we all run out to get our stuff. I just hope Adley will be ok when she wakes up. She's already been through so much. I wish I could make sure nothing ever happens to my little girl ever again. That's impossible to do in our world as shadowhunters.

It really is Jace, it's unpredictable when something can happen. ❤️

Shadowhunters Fight Like Hero's (Shadowhunters) Sequel (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now