3. We Love You

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Jace's POV
Adley still hasn't woken up and I start to feel my heart race so I just pace. Right now it's just Clary, Alec, Magnus, Izzy and I with Ad's. Simon is with his kids right now.

"Remember when she had her first demon fight. She was so excited" Clary mentions and we all smile.

"The little bug had the jitters of a, well bug." Magnus says

"She was so excited the night before she couldn't sleep. Kept training nonstop" I reminisce with them

"She held that blade like there was no one stopping her. No one" Clary says and she rests her head on my shoulder and I wrap my arm around her tight.

"I will never forget the first time she asked me to train with her for the first time. It was so incredible to see how quick she caught on." Alec says

"Her angelic rune ceremony is definitely one I will never forget. The way she was so proud to get her first rune, her big cute smile." Izzy remembers and we all just smile. I look at Clary and see a tear drip from her beautiful face and I rub her arm as mine is still around her.

"It's going to be ok. She'll be fine" I relax Clary and with my bad luck when I say that the monitor is going crazy and Clary and I jump.

"What's going on?" We ask at the same time and the doctor comes in and checks Adley.

"She's having trouble breathing" He tells us and Clary puts her head under my shoulder and looks away.

"Please tell us you can help her." I beg him and he just works on my daughter. "I can and I will. It will take some time." He informs us and that does not help.

"Come on Adley work with me here. You got all of these people here for you and they love you so much. You have a big family and a lucky one. Wake up honey and be ok for them." The doctor tells her and Izzy puts her hands on Clary's shoulders and Alec puts his hand on mine. I just keep looking at Adley and shaking. "Magnus I'm going to need your help now. Do your magic" The doctor tells him

"You don't need to tell me twice." Magnus says and does a spell on Adley. "Come on Ad's" He says while doing the spell.

"Magnus what's going on with her?" Clary asks him "It's like she's resisting" He replies and he adds more strength and I look at Alec and he looks nervous.

"Magnus be careful" He tells him "I'll be fine Alexander" Magnus tells him and he goes on stronger. Magnus stops and he seems fine.

"What happened? Are you ok?" I ask him "I'll be fine, we just have to wait and see if Adley will be." He replies and very quickly Adley breathes and opens her eyes.

"Adley!" We all shout and Clary and I go up to her and hold her hands.

"Honey are you ok?" I ask her

"I'm ok, what happened to me?" Adley asks us and Clary and I take a breath of relief.

"A demon attacked you during a mission. They were able to get there blood in you. Don't worry Magnus got it out of you." I share to her and she takes a breath and just looks at us.

"I'll go tell Caspian and Josh that she's awake." Alec goes to the boys and Izzy comes up beside Adley.

"We were so scared for you. Are you sure you're ok?" Izzy asks her "I'm fine aunt Izzy, just a bit sore and tired but I'm fine." Adley assures us

"Uncle Magnus, thank you for saving me." Adley thanks him and he smiles at her. "No need to thank me little bug. That's what families are for." He tells her and she smiles at him. I love my daughters smile.

"Here take this, it's just medicine to help you not feel sick." Magnus gives her some liquid and she drinks it and coughs lightly. "Yeah, sorry it is strong." He apologizes

"It wasn't too bad" Adley says and Clary and I look at everyone.

"We'll leave you 3 alone." Magnus says and they all go out except Caspian and Josh come in.

"Oh sorry, do you two need a minute with her?" Josh asks us "Yeah, we do, sorry boys." Clary tells them "No worries" Josh says and they wait outside the room.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her

"A bit better with the medicine that uncle Magnus gave me. I don't have the headache anymore." Adley informs us

"We were so scared for you Adley. We weren't sure what was going to happen to you." Clary mentions

"Right before I woke up I did hear you guys. Is uncle Magnus ok?" She asks us and Clary and I smile.

"You just had a scare yourself and you're asking if uncle Magnus is ok?" I joke with her and she smiles. "He's fine" I inform her

"Good, I'm relieved" Adley says "We love your heart so much honey. It's so big" Clary says and it's true. I've never met any other person as a big of a heart as much as Adley does. We hug our daughter and hold her tight but not too tight because she is sore. I could not be more grateful knowing that my angel is ok.

So Ad's is ok, Magnus was able to save her and so was the doctor. Thank goodness❤️

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