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A few hours after Meredith's minor surgery, the Shepherd family sat in Meredith's room to wait until she woke up

Derek smiled when he saw his girlfriend stir

"Hey Mer" He smiled

"Hi" She whispered before Carolyn handed her a glass of water with a straw

"How are you feeling dear?" Carolyn asked

"I'm okay" She whispered as she grabbed Derek's hand

"Do you want a chocolate cookie?" Amelia asked

"No thanks" Meredith giggled

"Hello everyone" Arizona smiled as she walked in "Hi Meredith"

"Hi" Meredith whispered and squeezed Derek's hand

"I'm sorry Meredith, but we're gonna start the chemo right away" Arizona apologized

"Okay" She nodded and let go of Derek's hand

"I'm gonna attach you to-" Arizona started to explain

"I know what you're gonna do" Meredith said harshly

"Okay then" Arizona sighed and hooked up Meredith to the chemo

As the chemo was slowly dripping into Meredith's body, the Shepherd family was desperate to keep her distracted. Mark had found a board game somewhere on the cancer ward and was setting it up

"Okay, Mer and Der versus me and Amy" Mark announced

The four teens were laughing and chatting eagerly as Carolyn watched them

"No! Der!" Meredith giggled but sat up and grabbed her stomach

Carolyn was quick enough to hold the bucket in front of Meredith as the younger girl started vomiting into it

"Amy, Mark can you go get your dad?" Carolyn asked them

The two of them nodded and left the room as Derek and Carolyn were rubbing Meredith's back as she kept throwing up

"You're okay. You're okay" Derek whispered "I love you"

Meredith squeezed his hand in return as she was unable to talk

"Shh, we got you" Carolyn whispered

"D-Don't-" Meredith muttered

"Shh, don't talk" Carolyn held Meredith up as she felt the younger girl's body drooping "Okay, it's over. Why don't you lay down and rest a little" Carolyn whispered and helped Meredith to lay down

At the same time, Christopher quietly entered the room with Mark and Amelia

"Hi, can you please give her something for the nausea?" Carolyn asked her husband

"Yeah, of course" Christopher said and grabbed her meds


"Meredith, are you feeling okay dear?" Carolyn asked as Meredith woke up the next morning. The poor girl was shivering in the big bed despite all the blankets

"C-Cold" She whispered back

"Oh dear" Carolyn sighed and joined Meredith on the bed and wrapped her arms around her

"D-Derek?" She weakly asked

"He'll be here in a few hours so we can take you home with us" Carolyn replied

"T-Thank you" She whispered

"Take another nap honey" Carolyn held Meredith

Meredith fell asleep again only to be woken up a couple of hours later

"Hi Mer" Derek's blue eyes looked at her

"Hi" She whispered slightly but shivered right away

"We brought you warm clothes" Carolyn smiled

"Good" Meredith muttered as her eyes closed again

Meredith's phone started ringing and Derek handed her her phone

"M-Mom?" She picked up and noticed Carolyn's eyes changing to anger "I'm going to Derek's house"

Derek tightly held onto Meredith's hand as he saw how her energy was disappearing through the short and harsh phone call

"No.. I know" Meredith sighed "Bye"

"Are you okay?" Carolyn asked

"Tired" Meredith sighed

"What's going on? Why did she call?" Derek asked

"She didn't want me to leave the hospital" Meredith sighed "But she's fine with it now"

"It's okay dear. Just come home with us until your next treatment in a couple of days" Carolyn warmly smiled

"Hmm" Meredith groaned

"Let's get you changed sweetie" Carolyn helped Meredith sit up as Christopher and Derek walked out to sign the papers "Is this okay? Am I hurting you?" Carolyn asked after pulling the sweater over Meredith's head

"It's okay" She quietly said

"Okay i have leggings and sweatpants for on top of them" Carolyn grabbed them

"You are the best" Meredith weakly smiled as she was fighting to keep her eyes open

"Are you two ready?" Christopher asked as he entered Meredith's room again

"She's dressed. We should get her a wheelchair" Carolyn said and went out

"Hi Mer, I'm happy you're coming home with us" Derek said as he grabbed her hand

"Hmm" She groaned as she rested her body against his chest "Love you" She whispered

"Love you too Mer" Derek smiled

"Let's get you home Meredith" Carolyn smiled and Christopher helped Meredith into the wheelchair as they wheeled her out and helped her in the car where she fell asleep on Derek and Carolyn's lap

AN // Sorry for the short update but I wanted to give you guys something! Hope you enjoyed 

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