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"Hi" Derek whispered as Meredith opened her eyes

His dad had carried her to the couch when they arrived home

"Hi" She groaned as she buried herself deeper into Derek's embrace

"Are you still cold?" He asked

"Yeah" She sighed

"Here" Derek adjusted the blanket

"Thanks" She muttered

Derek held Meredith for a long time until his mom walked in

"Dinner is ready, we have to try and get her eating" Carolyn whispered

"She barely had an appetite before the chemo, she won't be hungry now"

"I know dear but as long as they haven't given her the feeding tube, she needs to bring herself to eat a little bit" Carolyn explained

"-Melia?" Meredith mumbled

"What's wrong Mer? Amelia asked concerned

"S-School" She whispered

"It's okay Mer. Don't worry about that"

"My mom.." Meredith sighed

"We'll help you. I have my notes from last year" Mark offered

"As if they are worth something" Derek laughed "We'll all help you Mer" Derek stroked her hair

"Thanks" She whispered and fell asleep again

"Mer, don't go to sleep just yet. You need to try and eat something" Derek helped her sit up a bit more

"Not hungry.." She mumbled

"Please, just a few bites" Derek begged

"Cold.. Don't wanna move" Meredith shivered

"I'll carry you" Derek offered and scooped her up as she was tucked in her blanket

Derek helped her to the chair as Carolyn put a plate in front of her with some light foods

Carolyn had to help Meredith to stay upright as she was slightly drooping on her chair

"Okay, okay. Just try a bit, honey" Carolyn spooned up some apple sauce and brought it to Meredith's mouth

Meredith slowly ate a bit before her face started changing "Iron?"

"No dear, that's the chemo. Focus on something else" Carolyn explained

Christopher meanwhile injected Meredith's meds as he helped his wife a bit to keep Meredith up

"No" She mumbled as she lifted up her hand before she started gagging

"Here" Mark ran up to the with a bucket but he was too late. She had thrown up all over herself

"We should bring her upstairs and wash her before changing her into her pajamas so she can go to bed" Carolyn said

So they did, as Carolyn and Amy were upstairs helping Meredith, Christopher and the boys were cleaning up the kitchen

"Dad, why don't we bring all the mattresses down? I don't want her to be alone tonight" Derek slowly said

"Your mom and I were thinking to take shifts as she's sleeping in Kath's room but we could do that" Christopher said

"Can we bring them downstairs?" Mark asked

"Okay" Christopher laughed "I'm gonna check on them"

Christopher walked upstairs. Carolyn and Amelia were finished changing Meredith

"Hi, is she okay?" Christopher asked

"Dad, why didn't you say how bad these bruises were" Amelia gasped

"Sorry Amy" Christopher hugged his daughter "Why don't you go downstairs to see what Derek and Mark planned"

Amelia frowned and immediately ran downstairs. Christopher walked closer to Carolyn and Meredith and carefully scooped up the young teenager

"She's really weak" Carolyn sighed

"She was already exhausted before we started the treatment. I hope she'll have a little more energy tomorrow" Christopher smiled sadly and started carrying her downstairs

"Weren't we gonna put her down in Kath's room so we could stay close?" Carolyn frowned

"Look at what the boys have done" Christopher smiled

"Oh my-" Carolyn smiled as they entered the living room

"Dad, is this okay?" Derek asked

"It's perfect" Christopher smiled and softly laid Meredith down on the middle mattress. The young girl groaned a bit and started stirring but Derek quickly covered her with warm blankets. He ended with giving her a kiss on her forehead while in response, she grabbed his hand weakly and held it

The others started to watch a movie on tv, kingsman, one of the kids' favourite movies

"Der?" They heard a tiny voice

"Hey Mer. I'm here" Derek softly responded

"D-Did my mom call?" Meredith asked

"Not anymore" He softly said and rubbed her back

"Kay" She whispered

"We're watching Kingsman" Derek softly said

"Oh" Meredith breathed

"Wanna try and watch too?" Derek asked

"I'm tired" She sighed

"That's okay" Derek whispered and wrapped his arm around her "I love you"

"Love you too" She whispered before she fell asleep again

"Lord, she's exhausted" Amelia's voice cracked

"She's gonna be okay" Mark gave her a hug

As the film was ending, Meredith was still asleep. Derek was still holding her hand but was disturbed zs she started gagging again

As Carolyn quickly grabbed the bucket, Derek held Meredith closely. Resting her head on his chest, her ear on his heart

The gagging quickly stopped and Derek wanted to lay her back down but she protested

"Can we stay like this?" she muttered

"Of course" He softly smiled and made sure she was comfortable

Through the night, Meredith kept resting her head on Derek's chest. It seemed to calm her down as she barely woke up through the night

"I love you Meredith Grey"

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