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"Are you okay?" Ellis asked Meredith

"Yeah" She breathed as she rested her head against the window. Ellis drove home in an awkward silence

Once she parked the car, she went to the back to grab the bags while Meredith slowly made her way inwards where she collapsed on the couch

"I'll place your bags upstairs" Ellis said as Meredith softly nodded from her spot and weakly stood up and climbed the stairs

Ellis gave Meredith a soft smile as she saw her daughter climbing into bed

"I- I'll go downstairs" Ellis said

Meredith decided to close her eyes for a bit as she felt exhausted already

A few hours went by and she finally woke up again. After rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she weakly grabbed her phone and smiled when she saw the notifications

'Messages from Derek' She smiled

She quickly responded that she was okay before opening Instagram for a bit and scrolling around until she got bored and switched to TikTok

An hour went by when she heard her mom talking downstairs. She was wondering if there was someone at the house of if she was on the phone

After a couple of minutes she heard her mother coming upstairs

"Meredith? Are you awake?" She quietly asked

"Yeah" Meredith breathed without lifting up her head as she was completely exhausted

"There's been a huge car crash on the highway-" Ellis started "I know I promised you to stay here and I really want to but-" Ellis sounded different. She sounded unsure, breakable

"It's okay" Meredith softly smiled

"Let me hook you up, I'll send an intern to come look after you" Ellis said

"I'll call Carolyn" Meredith quietly said

"Okay. Can I come get you there when I'm done?" Ellis asked carefully for knowing the answer

"Yeah" Meredith smiled as her mother started attaching the feeding tube

"I'm sorry" Ellis said and covered her daughter before abruptly walking out of the room

Meredith listened as she heard her mom walking out of the house and stepping into her car. Meredith grabbed her phone and dilated Carolyn's phone number

"Hey sweetie, how are you doing?" She heard Carolyn's voice

"Hi.. Carolyn, are you busy?" Meredith asked

"Sweetie, what's up?" Carolyn asked concerned

"My mom left the hospital but it's okay. I said she could" Meredith rambled

"Are you home alone?" Carolyn gasped

"She just left, it's okay. Could you come get me please?" Meredith asked vulnerable

"I'm on my way" Carolyn softly said

"Thank you" Meredith whispered and hung up the phone as her eyes started drooping

It didn't take long before Carolyn softly woke her up

"Hey" Carolyn smiled "Are you okay? How are you feeling?" She asked as she checked out the feeding tube attached to Meredith

"Okay" She whispered

"Do you wanna come to our house?" Carolyn asked

"That's good" Meredith mumbled

"Let's get you up" Carolyn wrapped her arm around Meredith's waist and sighed. It was very hard for Meredith to walk down the small stairs of Ellis' house

Once they finally reached the ground floor, Meredith was absolutely exhausted so Carolyn helped her sit down on the couch while she would grab Meredith's stuff

"Mer, when did you have your last meds?" Carolyn asked

Right before I left the hospital" Meredith replied with a strained voice

"Okay I got everything. Let's get you in the car" Carolyn helped Meredith into the car and bucked her in


"Mom, we're home!" Derek, Mark and Amy yelled

"Shh, Meredith is asleep" Carolyn walked towards them

"Is Meredith here?" Derek frowned

"Ellis was paged to the hospital-" Carolyn explained as Mark started to mutter some words "Meredith said she could and then she called me. She'll stay here until she has to go back to the hospital

The kids' faces started to lighten up

"Don't forget that she's on heavy medication. She'll be exhausted" Carolyn sighed as Derek walked towards the living room where Meredith was laying on the couch

He started stroking her hair and noticed her hair had started to fall out. His heart broke for his girlfriend that way laying on the soft couch

"Hi" She whispered as she opened her eyes

"Hey sleepyhead" He smiled softly as he hid the strands of hair

"Lay with me?" She asked him with big eyes

"Of course" Derek laid down next to her and pulled her into his arms "How's your stomach?"

"Better I think" She whispered as she buried her head deeper into Derek's chest

"Do you wanna go for a small walk later today?" Derek asked her

"Yeah" She sighed "Sounds good"

"Now sleep so you have a bit more energy" Derek kissed her temple and watched her fall asleep

Derek had watched her the whole time and didn't even leave her side to go to the bathroom, 'it could wait' he thought

It was when Meredith woke up again that he finally started to feel his bladder was completely full

"Hey Mer" He smiled

"Hi" She whispered

"I'm gonna use the restroom real quick, I'll be right back" Derek kissed her forehead

Meredith slowly pushed herself up

"Hey, your knight in shining whatever has been looking at you the whole time" Amelia laughs

"He's too cute" Meredith giggled and wanted to flip her hair out of her face when she saw the strains of hair in her hand

"It's okay" She heard Derek say before his hands were resting around her arms

"I hate this" She whispered as her voice broke

"We'll deal with it" Derek kissed her forehead "Let's go for a short walk" He grabbed the strains of hair out of Meredith's hand and pulled her on her feet before helping her into her jacket and going to their backyard

AN // I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Feel free to leave some ideas

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