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Meredith was wearing a hospital gown again. Carolyn had helped her into it a bit earlier. She was sitting on the bed, hugging Carolyn tightly

"The kids and Christopher will be here soon" Carolyn kissed Meredith's forehead

"I'll miss them" She sighed

"You're almost ready to come home, dear. If this works, that would be amazing" Carolyn breathed

"Yeah" Meredith sighed "I'm happy my mother came over this morning" Meredith admitted

"I'm glad you two were able to finally bond a bit" Carolyn softly rubbed Meredith's back until they heard a knock on the door

"Hi Mer!" The kids came in, including Christopher

"Hi" Meredith smiled. She felt so good right now. She hadn't had chemo in a week and while she knew she would be in hell in a few hours, she was happy for now

Amelia immediately jumped on the bed while Derek slowly took a seat next to her

"Mer, you want some?" Mark asked as he offered her some nuts

"No" She giggled as she cuddled into Derek's side while holding Amelia's hand


"Okay Meredith, we're bringing you to isolation now" Arizona smiled softly

"Okay" Meredith sighed and said goodbye to Derek, Mark and Amelia

"We love you, kick that cancer's ass" Mark yelled

"Will do" She giggled and the kids followed as far as they were allowed to

"Wait in my office, we'll come once Meredith is hooked up" Christopher told them and they nodded

Carolyn held onto Meredith's hand as Christopher and Arizona pushed the bed until they reached the door where nurses in PPE took over while Arizona, Carolyn and Christopher changed into their PPE as well before walking inside. The room was white, no decoration, no flowers, no cards, nothing..

Meredith looked even tinier now in the big white room with only her bed which was already huge for her and her, sitting in just a gown and a scarf wrapped around her head

While Christopher and Arizona started to hook her up for her chemo, Carolyn grabbed some sterile lightblue hospital blankets and covered Meredith with them. The girl was already shivering and the chemo hadn't even started yet

As hours passed by, Carolyn and Christophers took turns to check on Meredith. It wasn't allowed to walk in and out of the room whenever they wanted but now Carolyn was standing in front of the room as she was scrubbing in

She took a seat on the chair next to Meredith when she was pulled out of thoughts by Meredith who started gagging. Carolyn was right in time to hold the bucket in front of her

"Aww" Meredith groaned

"It's okay, honey" Carolyn softly rubbed Meredith's back


Carolyn was walking inside of Meredith's hospital room. It was her 7th and last day of chemo before the transplant. She looked pale, her skin looked like porcelain, her lips completely dry like her hands, her eyes bloody red. Carolyn noticed Meredith was shivering so she tucked the girl in completly before adjusting the soft silk scarf on Meredith's bald head

"Hey Mer" Carolyn softly whispered "Amelia, Mark and Derek are wishing you the best" Carolyn whispered

"I miss them" Meredith whispered

"Oh hi, honey. I didn't realise you were awake" Carolyn smiled softly from behind her mask "How are you feeling?"

"Not good" Meredith whispered weakly, she couldn't even open her eyes

"Oh honey" Carolyn brushed her finger softly over Meredith's cheek before the girl started throwing up all over herself and her blankets

Carolyn quickly paged for someone to come help them as she held the weak Meredith in her arms so she could breathe properly

"Here you go, let's give you some clean sheets" The way too cheery nurse said and threw off all Meredith's blankets, leaving the girl in just her gown, shivering as hard as possible. Carolyn could hear Meredith's teeth clattering. She sighed as the nurse didn't give Meredith another blanket so quickly grabbed one herself an covered Meredith with it

"Oh- I'm sorry" The nurse apologized

"It's okay but I hate to see her when she's cold or in pain" Carolyn told her

"Of course" The nurse nodded and quickly changed the sheets as Carolyn had lifted the small and tiny girl into her arms as they sat on the couch until the nurse was finished

"I'm too old and heavy to be carried" Meredith weakly muttered

"Oh dear, you barely weigh more than Derek did when he was six" Carolyn's heart broke for Meredith

"I hate this" Meredith kept shivering

"I know" Carolyn whispered and was finally able to place Meredith back in the bed and did so. Quickly covering the girl in tons of blankets to keep her warm

"Thanks" Meredith whispered weakly

"No problem, I love you" Carolyn whispered

"Love you too" Meredith muttered weakly

"Derek asked if you wanted to call them" Carolyn softly announced

"I'd love that" Meredith smiled softly "But I'm just so tired" She sighed

"Let's try and if you're too tired you just close your eyes and go to bed, honey" Carolyn brushed her hand over Meredith's shoulder and took out her phone to call her kids

"Hey mom! How's Mer?" Amelia asked

"Ask her for yourself" Carolyn smiled and turned the camera to Meredith

"Hi guys" Meredith smiled weakly

"Mer!" Derek smiled

"Hey Mer!" Mark smiled

"We miss you here" Amelia smiled softly and Meredith seemed to tear up

"I miss you too" She whispered

"She'll be home soon enough" Carolyn smiled softly and noticed Meredith could barely keep her eyes open any longer "Okay guys, I think Mer needs a nap now. Tell her goodbye" Carolyn said

"Bye Mer! We love you!" They all three yelled and Meredith could see Derek blowing a kiss

"Bye. Love you too" she whispered as she weakly tried to wave at the phone

"Sleep, honey. Me or Christopher will be over later to check ln you again" Carolyn said but Meredith was already asleep "Love you" She said before leaving the room

AN // In case I don't update during the holidays (which is unlikely) merry Christmas and whatever I'm supposed to say. I'm not a Christmas person but enjoy! I'll be sitting outside doing stuff I don't have to advertise. ENJOOOY

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