Draco | Cold

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"For Merlin's sake, you can have my jacket."

You loved going to Hogsmeade, but you didn't realize it wouldn't be snowing this much. You certainly didn't know that your boyfriend was going to forget his jacket either. That didn't make it any less amusing.

"I am fine, I am fine!" Draco pretended not to see the jacket you're taking off.

"You'll catch a cold. And then ask me to stay with you in your gloomy Slytherin room all day." You sighed, still holding it out for him.

"I am not going to catch a cold, I'm not a butterfly." He said, already shivering.



A day later, his room.

"I woUldN'T cAtcH a CoLd, i'M dRaCo MaLfOy." You said in a deep voice, pressing the damp cloth on his forehead.

"I don't sound that horrible," he whined, his eyes closed. He was lying on the bed and had one of your hands in his. Even when he's sick, he's stubborn, but that's not a surprise.
Because well, he's Draco.

"Sure you don't hon," you rolled your eyes, but your smile didn't wear off.

He blushed a deep shade of red and muttered something about you being impossible.

"What did you just say?" You rose an eyebrow.

"Impossibly uh cute. You're impossibly cute. Please don't go." His grip on your wrist tightened just a bit.

"Hmm, good. Now sleep."




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