Fred | HCs

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[dating Fred as a lestrange!reader headcanons]

→ Everything was going well until you got your letter to Hogwarts. While you knew you would be sorted into Slytherin like the rest of your family, you started wondering whether everyone would judge you for coming from a family of death eaters.

→ Things only got worse when you were sorted into Gryffindor instead. Obviously, your family was not pleased. Everyone started looking at you like you were a stranger each time you'd visit home.

→ Soon, home started becoming a concept instead of your actual house. See, you felt safe in Hogwarts. You had friends, and you were loved (despite all your initial worries). Hogwarts became your home.

→ While you tried to be friendly with everyone, moaning myrtle was one of your best friends, apart from the Weasley twins.

→ She was also the one who first realized you were showing signs of having a crush on Fred.

→ You had denied it, but you couldn't fight the blush on your face. She kept teasing until you did admit it, and well - you had made her promise not to tell anyone.

→ But it wasn't a secret that she can't keep a secret.

→ Fred found out quick enough, and you were surprised when he said he reciprocated your feelings.

→ What followed was his attempt at the "most awesome relationship Hogwarts had seen" or simply put, his actions to make sure that you're not bored of him.

→ You can never be bored of him, but he's insecure about it. All his life he's been the prankster of the group and while jokes did make you laugh, he wondered if they would be enough to make you stay.

→ Which meant he had to prove the romantic sides of him too, so yes dinner dates, movie nights and parties? Check, check and check.

→ You never went to his house for the holidays even though he has invited you over a hundred times now.

→ You were worried you'd be judged for being a Lestrange. You did not want to be a reminder of what the Order lost during the first battle between Voldemort and them.

→ While you were saying your goodbyes to the twins on the train platform, Fred impulsively introduced you to his mother as his girlfriend.

→ You glowed red with anger, but Mrs. Weasley pinched your cheeks and said, "Aren't you the cutest!"

→ She pulled you in for a hug and asked you to stay with them over the holidays. You were reluctant, but eventually, you said yes.

→ You've never felt this much love in a house. The houses you've been to were sad, much too formal, and had too much décor. The Weasley house was much more chaotic, loud and they were the definition of a big, happy family.

→ Before the end of winter break, everyone was gathered around the table, chattering and complaining about nothing. Fred slid next to you and rested his hands around your waist, pulling you to him.

→ You smiled and rested your head on his shoulders, and you felt like you were officially part of the family now. 🥺

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