Harry | The Socks Sing

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"So... Yule Ball huh," Ron smiled knowingly.

Harry frowned. "Why're you looking at me like that?"

"You know why."

"Are you asking me to go with you? Like—"

"Don't flatter yourself," Ron rolled his eyes, as if to say in-your-dreams. "I'm just wondering why you haven't asked Y/N yet."

Harry looked more confused. "Why would I ask Y/N?"

"Oh, I don't know," Ron said in mock-wonder. "Maybe because you're HOPELESSLY IN LOVE WITH THEM?"

"Shush!" He looked around to see no one had overheard their conversation.

"Don't even try to deny it. You have heart eyes anytime they're around."

"I do not!"

"Ask anyone," Ron said and to prove his point, he stopped Luna who was passing by. "Hey Luna! If you had to make a guess, who do you think Harry likes?"

"Y/N," came the firm reply and she continued walking.

Ron smiled smugly.

"Okay maybe I have a tiny bit of crush on them," Harry admitted, sighing defeatedly.

"Then ask them to the dance!"

"I can't!"

"Why not?"

"Uh, why haven't you asked Hermione?"

Ron gasped. "That's different."

"How on earth is that different?"

"Because I say so!"

To this, Harry rolled his eyes, and the conversation changed to different topics, and both of them were grateful for it too. But that didn't make Ron any less determined to help out his best friend.


"What am I doing here?" You asked, sitting down in the almost-empty common room. Harry shrugged and sat beside you.

Ron entered with a large suitcase, one that was big enough for two cats to live in.

"Hello guys!" He greeted, putting it down.

The moment it touched the ground, it opened by magic, reconstructing itself so that it resembled a small stage of its own.

"What's going on?" Harry asked as Ron took two socks out of his pocket. (Hopefully not the ones he has been wearing all day.)

"You're doing uh...a puppet show?" You asked uncertainly as you watched Ron pull on the two socks onto his hands.

"Yup!" He replied excitedly, then went behind the stage, raising only his hands above the surface.

One hand was clothed with a red sock, which you recognized to be knitted by Mrs. Weasley on last Christmas. The other one was yellow, which looked so dirty that it was almost brown. You guessed that's the one he wears while doing Quidditch practices.

"Hi Harry!" said the yellow sock.

"Hi Y/N!" replied the red one.

"Is he okay?" you whispered to Harry who could only shrug.

"The Yule Ball is coming up!" Harry the sock said brightly. "Do you want to go with me?"

The real Harry blushed, suddenly feeling self-conscious beside you. He made a mental note to scold Ron later.

"Why, yes!" The yellow one replied, "but you have to impress me first!"

To both of your surprise, Harry the sock (or rather Ron) started singing something terrible with screeching and nothing but screeching.

You were speechless for a while, because neither of you had any sort of idea what was going on.

Harry finally had enough.

"Look, do you want to go to dance with me?" he asked quietly, so his puppeteer friend couldn't hear him.

You laughed. "I'd love to!"

"That's great because I cannot listen to that for another second," he said, standing up. "Seriously, merpeople sing better than that."

"Shush, it's not that bad," you lied, but stood up with him. "By the way, did you do the astronomy assignment?"

"Nope, maybe we can do it together this evening?"

"Sounds great," you said with a smile.

Together you left the room talking and occasionally blushing, and the socks continued singing obliviously to two empty chairs.

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