Fred | The Polaroids

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What's the difference between a joke and a prank? Minerva McGonagall had asked you that on the very first detention she gave you.

You had shrugged and said something about how jokes were words and pranks were actions, but she looked disapprovingly before asking you to clean the file room.

You haven't thought much about that incident. True, you had plenty of detentions from then, mostly with Fred Weasley, who shared the title of Holy Pranksters along with his twin brother.

There was something about Fred that always ticked you off. You could swore it has been that way ever since you could remember, but you tolerated his brother. Why not him too?

He was always a victim of your pranks and you were a victim of his, but nothing would ever come close to the humiliation you felt today. Without a doubt, that idiot had gone too far.

What's the difference between a prank and a joke? In a joke, everyone laughs, but with a prank, someone has to get hurt.

"FRED SOON-TO-BE-DEAD WEASLEY!" you yelled, bursting into the Gryffindor common room.

The students made way for you, finding themselves backing away as if you'll kill them. Which — by seeing your anger — was a fully justified concern.

The man in question was laughing with his twin over something they did, and upon seeing you, looked mildly surprised.


"I'm pretty sure pigs have brains," Fred pointed out, but no one laughed.

You were usually just pissed off by his pranks, and maybe even grateful as they gave you an incentive to do a revenge one. But now you were fuming, and everyone was anxious to find out why.

"The pen!" you said angrily. "You went through my stuff and hexed my pen so the words would be invisible after a while! I did my entire work with it only to see a blank paper in the morning!"

"You're sounding a bit Ravenclaw there."

"It wasn't for Hogwarts—" you hesitated, but the words came out of you before you could stop them. "It was an essay to be attached with my college application and I needed to submit it by today! Thanks to you I can't do that!"

"College?" He tasted the word as if it's a sour candy.

"That's right, college. Muggle college. Not all of us wants to be Aurors! And I've been trying so damn hard to get into this one and you blew it up. Thanks."


"Fuck off," you said clearly and stormed out.


Over the next week, there weren't any pranks from his side and you avoided his existence too. Hogwarts became a much gloomy place without the two of you trying to murder the other.

You were ice-cold to him, and you knew you had every right to be. The essay you wrote was something you actually felt proud of. Now it was gone and so was your chance to get into your dream college.

Fred felt guilty but no matter what, he couldn't say "hello there Y/N! I'm a jerk and I'm sorry!" Those words wouldn't help and if anything, he'll only feel more guilty.


"Fred, c'mon you got to see this!" George said, peeking his head into the room.

"I want to sleep," Fred whined, pulling the sheets around him tightly.

It was about 10.30 by now and everyone was supposed to be back on bed by 10, a rule he often ignored, but it was a Sunday and he deserved some rest.

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