Fred | Ordinary

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"Y/N, wait up!" Fred slowed down, then looked at you with worry. "Are you okay? You practically ran out of the hall."

"It's just the lights, they're too bright," you shrugged. "And dances are supposed to be fun and I wasn't having fun so why would I stay?"

"For me, duh. You didn't even get to see me do awesome pranks! What happened?"

"I just-" you started hesitantly. "Big events like this makes me feel so ordinary, like I blend into the background and nobody sees me."

He looked shocked at your words. "You do realize every pair of eyes were on you as you walked in? You look stunning!"

"You're saying that to make me feel better."

"No, I'm not! In fact, I'd feel blessed if you could honor me with a dance." He held his hand out to show that he wasn't taking no for an answer.

You rolled your eyes and gave in.

"Besides," he said as he pulled you back into the hall, "if no one saw you, I wouldn't have come after you, would I? I'll always see you. Always. Wait, does that sound creepy?"

"Just a bit," you laughed, feeling lots better already.

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