Girl x girl

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Hello I'm back 🤓

This is kinda fluff ok.

(YIn's POV)
It's been a few days since I started liking c/n,
ever since then every time I'm with her I get
butterflies in my
stomach. Something about her makes me
feel..... different. I'm lost in thought until I hear
the teacher call my name and c/n's I don't
really know what's going on since I wasn't
paying attention, but all I know is that there a
project with 2 people. "Umm yes" you said.
Then the teacher said that you and c/n would
be working together and that the assignment
is about the female jaw and mouth (health
class) u and c/n look at each other then look at
the teacher and nod.
Timeskip~ after school
You were walking to find your moms car when-
"Hey y/n!" You turned around to see c/n.
Butterflies instantly rushed to your stomach!
"Let's do the project at My house well my
grandma's, if your mom is ok with that." "Ah let
me ask her" you got out your phone and called
your mom asking for permission! Surprisingly
she said yes? You were actually excited. You
go walk up to c/n and tell them that you can
go. She said great also we have to walk there.
Don't worry it's not that far! "It's fine I'm not
worried" you guys walked the big Field until
you realised u have to jump the fence, and
we'll you hate it. "Oh yeah we need to jump the
fence!" "Oh" you said then she threw her
backpack over then hoped over the fence!
"Come on throw your backpack over" "But
where is my chrome book breaks" "I'll catch it.
Come on" she said with Such Sureness. You
trow it over and she catches it. Then it's time
for you to hop over. Esh I don't know if I could
do it you think I'm your head. *pretend the gate
was really high* Then you hopped Over and
you needed to get down but to your shirt was
caught in the fence making your shirt lifted up.
"ahh I'm stuck help c/n" you yelled. C/n went
next to you and grabbed your waist~ and said
"put you legs on my shoulders so I can help
"uhh ok" you said wrapping your legs
around her neck as she grabbing you thighs
pulling you down but that caused your shirt to
rip up almost to your bra "this IS SO
EMBARRASSING!" You screamed in your head!
Then you told c/n not to pull because your shirt
is ripping! "OH OK IM SORRY" she replied "it's
fine" u said while holding on to your shirt so it
don't rip anvmore! Then she pulls you up then
down making you unstuck and losing Your
balance! And you guys end up falling..
Now your on the ground slowly opening your
eyes when you realise you were going to flash
her if she turned around because your thighs
squeezing her face and your shirt ripped and
blowing up because of the wind! "AH" you said
bringing your legs closer to you! You stand it
up holding your shirt trying to keep it together
as you saw her get up then she turned to look
at you and saw your cleavage~ then instantly
turned it back "I'm sorry" she said you noticed
she had a tint of blush on her cheeks! You
suddenly felt your face heat up. Then you see
c/n take off there jacket and she said "here
Take it." You take it and put it on. Then
She grabs her backpack. "Come on let's go
before it gets dark!" "Ok" you said.
{Mini time skip}
You guys arrive to her house. She gets her
keys and unlocks her front door and walks in
"come in" she says. You walk into her her
grandma's house to see her cousin right there
teasing her saying "hey c/n who's the chick
you got there~
." "oh she has your jacket is she she
your girlfriend!" Blush instantly appears on
your face! "No she's not my girlfriend she's just
me friend!!" C/n said annoyed. For some
reason you kinda felt disappointed. Then she
grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the
hallway and into her room! Then Shuts the
door and sighed* "sorry about that
V/n". You guys then go to her desk and sit ngl
it's pretty neat you thought it would be messy
as think as you look around. "Ok let's get
started" she says pulling out her health book
and a few pieces of paper. "l'Il be right back
stay here" c/n says. As she leaves you begin to
melt you were so excited and u hated it! Your
mind: Ughhh I can't like her I just can't. As you
were literally screaming in your head the door
opened revealing her cousin (her cousin is 15)
"ah" he said while coming closer and sitting
down on the chair. "So u like c/n don't you~"
"'W-what no I don't" you said! "Admit it, it's
written all over you blushing face" he said in a
flirty tone. "NO I don't ok" you said with a
serious tone "Oof your a bit aggressive aren't
you" "hmm" "I like that" he said. You were a bit
red not because of c/n mostly because he was
quite hot. You hear foot steps coming the way.
He pulls you closer and whispers "I know how
to make her jealous, don't worry I got your
back" as he pulls you closer he acts like his back"
as he pulls you closer he acts like his
gonna kiss you! You panic and your face go's
RED and u decided to go along with it and
pretended to push him away! "HEY" you hear
c/n say angry! She kinda looked like this

"Get TF AWAY FROM THEM NOW BEFORE IKILL YOU" c/n said you look at c/n's cousinand he looked hella scared!! C/n walked closergrabbing her cousin's shirt and dragging himout of the room! Then shutting the door andall you heard was a high pitched scr...

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KILL YOU" c/n said you look at c/n's cousin
and he looked hella scared!! C/n walked closer
grabbing her cousin's shirt and dragging him
out of the room! Then shutting the door and
all you heard was a high pitched scream! Then
c/n can in the room and gripped your
shoulders going close to your face and said
"are you ok did he do anything to you!" You
were so flustered 3)!
"I-I'M FINEE" you said pushing c/n back a
little. Then she realised you were still wear her
jacket. "Oh my I'm sorry I didn't realise you still
have my jacket" she said going to her closet
and pulling out a over sized shirt.
"Here" Take this she said as she when out of the door.
"Change ok" she said closing the door! "Ok" u
shouted. You began to change when u notices
that your project was due today and you would
Presentation Tomorrow!! OMG bro u said as
you put the shirt ok and put your ripped shirt in
your backpack. And opened the door looking
c/n turns out she was in the kitchen make
some smoothies. "Oh. Hi y/n I didn't see you
there" she said with a bright smile! She
grabbed her drink and your drink and walked
to the room and set it on the table. "Ah. Here U
go I hope you like it" you then say down and
explained to her that this is due today!! "WHAT
THE F*CK TODAY" she said panicking! "Ok so
we should probably get started" she said
pulling a note out of her bag! "Ok so I took
notes on what we were doing and we'll maybe
it would help!"

Time skip-
You guys are all down with the project and
taking flash cards to see who gets it right and
every time you say something right you g3t a
Time- 5:30

You guys were having so much fun then u
answered a question right and stood up saying
"So what's the prize?"
"You'll see!" C/n says standing up before
taking your hand and pinned you against the
wall. "So?" You ask once again with a
flustered face! "Okay here goes nothing" she
mumbled under her breath taking a deep
breath. You wait there anticipating the worst
when she suddenly kisses you, before You
could process what was happening she pulled
away. Your heart felt like fireworks, You felt
like You were walking on water. She looks at
me with worry in her eyes, she goes to step
towards the door but You stop her by pulling
her into a more passionate kiss, your tongues
dance in harmony together. while fighting for
dominance. She puts her hands on my hips
pulling me closer distracting me for a split
second helping her win dominance. You guys
finally run out of breath resulting in us pulling
away slightly panting. You each stare at one
another but rather than awkwardnesss it's
more of a passionate stare~ then suddenlv
your phone starts ringing. You both looked
away blushing then you stoked you lips
realising what just happened as she gasped
and said OMG IM SORRY! Then u grabbed
your phone and answered it was your mom! "Hev y/n I'm outside we're leavina come on!"

"O-Oh ok!" You said hanging up the phone.
And grabbing your backpack. And running out
the door.
"WAIT" c/n said. "Here" she said
passing you a note *it had her number* "Call
me later darling~
" she said winking at you.
Which made your face go red. "T-THANKS"
you said running out the room and opening the
front door and running to your moms car. You
got in a thought to yourself wait how did mom
know were I was?! Then your sibling/cousin
texted you telling you that they told mom we're
you were "oh" you mumbled. As you Guys were
close to the house your mum asked were did
you get that shirt from?! "Oh this" "um it's my
friends she let me borrow it because I spilled a
drink on it" you said with a nervous chuckle.

Time skip

It was time for bed and you couldn't stop
thinking about c/n and grabbed her shirt and
we'll smelled it Ahhhh it smelled like HERR!
Then you ended up falling asleep. Thing about her!


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