Crush x reader (Christmas special)

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Christmas special :))

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! (if you celebrate and if it's not already December 24th where you live!) I will try to post again this week to make up for it. I decided to make this Christmas themed and finish it before the day ends, so here you go! Happy holidays :)

C/n=Crush name
Y/n=your name
Cousin/n=Cousin name
H/b/f/n=His best friends name

SOOOOO its Friday and Christmas Day is tomorrow, and So you
we're Walking to the kitchen, you reach into the fridge and grab a can of Coke. You shut the fridge door and open the can, taking a delicious sip and sighing happily. You turn around to run back to your room and immediately collide with someone, spilling Coke all over yourself.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," says a familiar voice. You look up and see c/n with a hand over his mouth. He removes it and more words spill out: "Are you okay, oh God, sorry, I've ruined your shirt..."

You look down just to check, but sure enough, you're only wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants. "It's no big deal, these are my pjs. It'll come out in the wash," you reassure him. Then you notice a large dark spot on his sweater. "Sorry, did I get some on your shirt?"

He looks down too. "Oh, yeah. Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure? I can lend you one of my big baggy shirts, I don't mind," you offer anxiously.

He hesitates, but relents. "Okay, if you're sure. Thanks."

You lead him through the noisy crowd of people to your room and open your closet. And pull out one and you offer up meekly.C/n laughs. "Looks like most of your closet is on the floor at the moment," he remarks "hey come on like your closet isn't like this!" You pout!
Then he pulls his sweater over his head. Before you can register what's happening, his gloriously toned chest is only a foot or so away from your face. You cough loudly as your blush rises quickly to your cheeks. "Um, I'll leave you alone," you mumble quickly.

He watches your reaction with a small grin as he puts on the shirt "Don't worry, I'm keeping the rest of my clothes on," he says teasingly. Oh, no, take them off, please, you think, but put on an innocent smile. To break the silence, you say, "I finished the book you gave me. You want it back?" He cocks an eyebrow. "That was fast! You sure you don't want to keep it a little longer?" "Yeah, I read it all in one sitting, it was that good. You can have it though but it's in the reading room" (whatever that meanz) you lead him out of your room, and after hesitating in the doorway for a moment, he follows you inside. While you retrieve the book from the nightstand, c/n walks in a circle around the room, examining the bookshelves and posters. You hold out the book as he approaches you. "Merry Christmas," you joke.

He smiles. "Why thank you, I'm touched," he says with a chuckle. Then he gets serious. "Actually, I...have something for you too." "Really?" Your mouth opens slightly, as you stand there, at a temporary loss for words. " didn't have to." He pulls a small box out of his pocket and hands it to you. You open it up to see a beautiful Marvel ring with a pair, you gasp quietly. You touch them lightly with your fingers, hardly able to believe he actually did this or that this is real or a dream. "These are for me?" You look back up at him, trying to read his expression. C/n smiles at you. "I just know, you deserve something for putting up with this big party at your place. And I feel like you're becoming a really good friend." "Oh." You're caught between the extreme happiness of getting a gift from your crush and the disappointment of being friendzoned. "Thanks, you too." He scratches his neck awkwardly. "Um...wanna put it on?" "Oh, yeah, sure." You remove your other ring and take the ring and put it on you asked shyly "W-who's the other one for" "oh- well whoever you want I guess-" "YOU" u yell "w-what" he says nervousness "ugh isn't it so obvious I Want you t-to wear the other r-ring" C/n laughs lightly. "Uhh, I mean if you want" you crack an embarrassed smile.

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