Chapter 4 Skrael's a Jerk

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Credit to @Biplatypus077 for the idea of the entire chapter 

Douxie POV

Waking up, and walking over to the living room, I noticed no-one was up yet. Taking the opportunity, I started going down the hallways, after placing a tracking spell to the room of course. That way if I got lost I could just teleport here.

I was walking down a hallway, when I found a set of dark wood doors. Curious, I opened them to find a huge library. It kind of reminded me of the library in Beauty and the Beast. Looking around, I started understanding how and where books are placed, and found the magic section. It took awhile since almost everything wasn't in english, latin, greek, or troll.

It took a while, and a lot of books, but I finally found one that I think is interesting. Weirdly though, I found a few books in Greek about the history of the world, and I mean now history, to before I was even born history.

There were stories about so many things, like there was one about this guy name Aridam that the Arcane Order fought and captured to 'never see life again' or something like that. There were others about some people named Deidamia, Bronach and Corentin that had almost the same base story, as in they were killed after nearly destroying earth. Well Deidamia nearly did succeed by using the decaying plague spell, πανούκλα Փθορά to destory all life around her. Apparently the Oltenian Sahara was a luscious, dence, and vibrant forest. However, thankfully she was taken down and killed. Also they've surprisingly never met, however if any of them were born earlier or died later, they would have. Well if you count it by wizard standards, then it's about a century difference.

'Now that I think about it, I'm pretty young compared to wizard lifespan.'

Pushing the weird information to the side, I found a spell book called Φυτό magicae. Right away I could tell it's not just one language, so figuring out which languages took a bit, but after a while, I found out it was in Latin, Greek and Georgian. Taking the book and bringing it over to the seating area, and started looking into the book on plant magic.

'I wonder why it's in so many languages'

Looking through a few pages, I found a page and spell on quickly growing plants and how to do it correctly. The velox ზრდა spell was a complex and powerful spell that could easily cover and destroy a castle or simply grow a tree.

'The language thing makes sense now, I guess.'

Interested in learning more about the spell, I continue reading about it and a few other Books about plant, ice and fire magic.

Skrael POV

I woke up to it being around ten am. Slightly confused that neither Bell or Nari woke me up, I went to the kitchen to see if either of them were there.

I couldn't find them, and instead found a note saying that they were going to have a girls day and would come back late.

'Huh, guess it'll just be Douxie and I for a while. Is this a sort of "pay back" for stealing Nari yesterday?'

Deciding to wake up Douxie, I went to his room to see he wasn't there. Confused, I started walking around hoping to find him. I found him in the library after a few minutes of searching, which I'm thankful I even found him. He's reading a book, quietly coming closer, I see he's reading my book of ice magic called Πάγος მაგია. Being the jerk I am, I scared him by talking to him when he was fully invested into what he was reading.

"What are you doing?"


'Suprise surprise, he's on the floor again.'

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