Chapter 9 Bets

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Credit to @SurgeoftheShadows for the idea of the ship

Douxie POV

Slightly waking up, I gain the memories of what happened last time I was awake. I also hear two hushed voices talking. Opening my eyes, I see Krel and Skael talking to each other on the bed I'm in. The room was dark, so looking outside, I assume it's night. Trying to get up, I groan in pain, gaining the attention of both boys.

"Doux, you're okay. Well obviously not, but you're awake." Krel says, softly. Skrael chuckling beside me.

"Was your first instinct seriously, 'I need to get up while I'm hurt' ?" Skrael said, relief in his tone.

"Shut it." I say playfully.

"How long was I out?"

"About a week. Dr. Lake said that most of the others woke up yesterday, but we don't know about anyone today." Krel tells me.

Krel was in his Akirideon form, he had my jacket on and seemed to have forgotten that he was wearing it until I was looking at it and he blushed.

"S-sorry, you can have it back if you-" He started saying while taking my jacket off before I cut him off.

"It's fine Krel, you can wear it." I tell him, smiling as he does the same and puts it back on.

I look over to Skrael now, seeing he has his poncho off and is wearing one of my shirts and leggings, both being a bit too big on him. His hair looks a lighter shade of black and his skin a more human color. He's still kind of pale and tinted blue, just not as badly as before.

Skrael looked down at what he was wearing, and unlike Krel, didn't seem fazed that he was wearing my clothes.

"I didn't want to wear my tunic and poncho so I changed. You just happened to be the one I stole from." He says with a shrug.

"More like, it was the only thing you could take without leaving the room." Krel retorts, Snowflake sticking out his tongue.

"You two are so childish." I laugh, making both of them pout.

"I'm not childish." Both say at the same time, making us all laugh.

"Did I hear Krel right when he said you haven't left my room, Snowflake."

Skrael was about to answer, before his eyes widened and he started blushing.

"S-Snowflake?" He asks. Krel's eyes widened as well.

"You didn't answer me. Have you or have you not left this room since I was placed in here?" I ask in a soft tone.

"He hasn't, I would have to bring food over here so he would eat and I had to make sure he would sleep too." Krel answers, Skrael hitting his arm.

"Come here, Snowflake." I tell him, moving the blanket so he could join me under the covers.

He complies as he crawls over to my right to cuddle into me. He was still colder than an average human body temperature, but I'm guessing that's from his powers. I motion for Krel to come over, and walks around the bed and to where Skrael's at, and comes underneath as well. After a few seconds, Skrael's breathing settles to a soft, slow pattern, signaling he's asleep.

"I haven't been able to get him to sleep so fast since that battle. He really missed you." Krel whispers.

"You were the one that made Aridam's escape so hard, weren't you?" He asks, holding onto Skrael a little bit more.

"If you are implying the magic I would use to create shields in his path? Then yes I was." I answer.

He nods in a sign that he heard, barely able to keep his eyes open. I extend my arm to comfortably lay on his arms, softly rubbing them as Krel falls asleep. I soon followed suit.

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