Chapter 12 Invalid Dislike

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Douxie POV

After collecting everyone and meeting up in the war room, we had gone into planning on what to do with the information and how to overcome that problem.

The trolls, Dr. Lake and Toby were on one side of the table with the Arcane on the other side. Jim and Claire standing in the middle on the trolls left while I am on the Arcanes left with the Aliens on the trolls right.

We were settling into soft conversation about any new information or plans before the news was brought up. And to say it went poorly when the magic draining spell was mentioned is an understatement. Most of the group (everyone who didn't already know) were yelling at others or the arcane for not mentioning it before. Some in fear or worry, others in anger and distrust.

I'm leaning against the table feeling the headache appearing when I feel a cold hand on my right arm. Giving Skrael a tired smile, I look back at the group.

"This is why you didn't tell us." I said to him, my voice nearly covered by the shouts of the room. Both from the ones disliking the new knowledge's existence and the ones defending said existence.

"Sort of, we didn't want to tell you. I'm glad you found out before we couldn't tell you when it would've been too late, but now you know of the danger and reason he was feared. That is why we didn't say." He answers, forcing his way into my arms.

"It's better that I know."

"I know."

We listen to the arguing for a few more seconds before Jim yells above it.

"Okay!! We understand that it's not the best idea that they kept the information, but can you truely blame them? Name one time when we didn't hold info from each other when we thought it was for the best."

"This is a bit different than not mentioning your concerns as the Trollhunter, Young Atlas." Strickler said, trying not to be offensive.

"I meant more of the curses and/or the knowledge of someone through weird distant sightings and dreams."

A few people looked down, remembering when they didn't mention those things.

"We all thought it was in the best intentions to not mention, either thinking you're overreacting, or scared of this exact reaction, or something else. So instead of yelling let's figure out how to move around the problem." Claire says, backing Jim up with a hand on his shoulder.

"If you are upset at them for not mentioning a problem that hasn't appeared in years then you would have to be upset at me and Mer-.. No scratch that, you already dislike Merlin for turning Jim into a troll." I mention, adding the last part as an afterthought.

"What do you mean? Are You hiding things?" Aja accuses, probably still frustrated from the earlier topic. Krel placed his top arms onto her shoulders, giving her a kind smile, calming her down a bit.

"Everyone's hiding something. It just happens to be that the older ones of us keep a few more... annoying ones." I say, carefully wording what I'm saying.

"Well! Back to our previous topic of discussion, is there any way to reverse the spell?"

"There's not."

"Why? Wouldn't there be something? Every spell you guys make can be undone, right?" Steve asks.

"Many people have tried, there isn't a counterspell. It's almost like people don't want the ones losing their magic to gain it back." Skrael says, adding sarcasm to the last sentence. Promptly gaining a smack on his head from me.

"You could block it with a shield or dodge it, but anything else won't work." Nari says.

"Alright, so everyone with magic, which means the Arcane included, stays more on guard for any magical attacks–" Krel starts

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