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(so sorry I thought this was published)

3rd person P.O.V

Kaminari had just woke up as he looked around a the boxes in the corners of his room. He had just moved in and was supposed to put those boxes away but.. meh. Instead he put on some sweat pants and a sweat shirt and went upstairs. 

His room was located in the basement. He was down here because in his step-mom's house there weren't enough rooms for all the children. But he didn't mind I mean it was quite nice. 

As he step foot in the kitchen he saw his step-mom making pancakes, bacon, and egg. He felt his mouth water. His birth mom always made traditional meals and he was so happy to have different food from different places. She noticed him and chuckled "This is for Ayumu. Can you bring it upstairs for him?" He responded with a quick "yes!"

He went up the stairs, went down the hall, and stopped in front of his brother's room and knocked. With no answer he assumed he was asleep and open the door, he was. He gently shook him awake. 

"Good morning, mom made food"

"Ok just put it on the nightstand or something"

And, as per request he put the food on his night stand. 

He made his way to the main floor and sat at the island on one of the stools. 

"Here do you want some food too?"

"Oh sure mom"

She put the food in front of him and he ate it. It was amazing she was always a great cook. He looked to the clock.


This was a perfect time to unpack! He put his dishes in the sink. Then he went to his room.


He unpacked a box what.... 7 more to go. Ugh ths was impossible why did he have so much stuff. You know a quick break couldn't do any harm.


I looked at the clock.


 Shoot that wasn't a break. He needed to get back to work.


I am so proud I did it. Sure I may have taken pretty long but who cares. Luckily I didn't have much. It was a weekend and I was starting homeschooling on Tuesday. So I have lots of time to explore around the house and neighborhood.


As he left the house the smell of roses flooded his nose it smelled wonderful to him. His old house was in a bad part of town so all he usually smelled smoke when he left. Actually he had a scar on his leg from someone who tried to kidnap him and do something to him. He just didn't know what. Anyways there was this nice park with a water fountain. 

Kaminari P.O.V

The park was awesome there was this water thingy and nothing was vandalized. I pulled out a comic book. If I would I have done this in my home town I would have my comic book stolen and be pushed to the ground but this was different it was.. nice


Thanks for reading this is the first part

[Changes Made: August 9th 2022]

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