Part 3

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It was a little while later when denki finally stopped crying. He went to the restroom to wash off his face, which was red and puffy from all the crying he did. He realized it was around lunch time, so all of his siblings should be awake. He decided to go upstairs and at least try to have a conversation with some of them. That was the plan but it didn't go to well.. by that he means no one wanted to talk to him but that's ok with him. I mean he needs fresh air anyway so he just went outside.

Outside he went to explore some more it was better out here than in there so that's good. He brought some money and decided to go to the mall. That plan was quickly shut down when a man dragged him in an ally way. The man was with a group of people.

"Give me your money"

"I-i don't have any money sorry"

Those were 6 word he should have never said.

There faces shifted with anger as they took a swing at his stomach, sadly it was to high hitting his ribs causing him to collapse, gasping for air. One held down denki, as the other searched him for money. Denki tried to scream but nothing came out but coughs. They took denkis 2304.50 yen ($20). "So you lied huh, I hate liars"  They then started throwing punches and kicks till denki was just a ball of blood and flesh. "Next time tell the truth" were his last words as he walked away from the scene.

Denki was in so much pain he felt like the world was crumpling away. He quickly ran out of air in his lungs and violently coughing as his body slowly gave out. This cough felt like it would be then end of him like it was sucking out all the air in his lungs, as the world got burry. 

2 hours later

 Denki woke up in a pile of his own blood with memory's of what happened, he felt better but as he tried to get up, his whole body quivered as he threw up. He felt as if his stomach was coming out, he hadn't eaten anything except for a egg so most of it was just stomach acid, burning through his throat. He felt hot tears running down his face as he finally gagged up the last bits of throw up. He looked closely at it and realized something, he realized that he had just through up blood. He looked at his body to inspect for other serious damages caused, turns out his whole body was filled with cuts and bruises. But what he was most scared about was the fact that the sun was going down soon, he knew his dad will be mad at him, but he couldn't get up.

He ended up passing out again...

AN/ I am so sorry about not putting a trigger warning

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