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One week later.

It has been a week since Denki was attacked, and 3 days since he officially adopted the cat. He had just started home schooling.

It had good and bad sides.

A good side is that he could see and study off the teacher notes, not only that but his "mom" was super sweet and understanding when he couldn't focus and constantly gave him breaks.

A bad side was not getting the chance to socialize very often, of course they constantly had family gatherings and things similar to it, but it wasn't the same as talking to kids. Denki felt... lonely TRULY lonely. I mean he did have siblings but it wasn't the same.
Denki woke up to the sound of glass breaking, alarmed by the sudden sound he rushed up stairs. He felt a sharp pain in his foot. He then heard his sister start to cry. "What's wrong?" He asked as he tried walking before stepping in more glass.
He found out his sister came for a glass of water and dropped her cup. She had glass in her hand from trying to pick it up, that's why she was crying.
He offered to remove the glass from both of them and sweep the mess.
He grabbed her wrist and held it tightly he grabbed the glass and slightly twisted it to get it out. The peice was bigger than he imagined, and left a big bloody cut that went very deep in the skin. The same happened in the glass in his feet, at this point his feet was just a bloody attachments to his leg.
He quickly limped to get the first aid kit and wrapped his feet. Then he got the broom and swept the glass into a pile. He was about to throw it away but something in his mind said 'take some glass', so he did he took the biggest sharpest peices and threw the rest away.
He went in the basement with 3 shards of the glass.

Hello guys I just wanted to say thank you for your consent support, and I am sorry if I don't reply to comments I don't know what to say except, thank you. I may not update till the end of school as I really need to fix my grades. I have a C in math and I am scared my parents will be really disappointed so I am going to try to get something off my plate. I am not to mention very stressed.

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