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Denki slowly opened his eyes, but quickly shut them as light flooded his vision. He still felt as bad as last time but he feels a bit better. This time he was able to get up, although very weakly. He held his arm which for some reason hurt a ton. As he walked, well more like limped to his house he got strange glances and whispers. He didn't take it personally as he probably smelt of blood and throw up, which wasn't a very good combination. Midway through the venture home he realized the fact he was covered in bruise, and probably cuts.

"Hey are you ok?"

He turned around to see a woman she had a kind, motherly face. "Of coarse I am? Why wouldn't I be." He said with the best grin he can

"Well" she pointed to his arm

He looked down and his head started to spin, he had a large deep cut on his arm that no doubt went to the bone. Did those guys have a knife? His body panicked and he ran, not caring about direction he just had to leave.

He ended up in a foresty area it wasn't really a forest but it want really a park it was like a mix in-between. He looked at his arm and inspected it, it did indeed almost go to the bone. He tore off a piece of his already ripped shirt and wrapped it up, it almost instantly was soaked with deep red blood. He let out a defeated sigh and then heard a faint "meow" he looked around and saw a HUGE fallen branch, but he noticed that something was under that branch. He realized what it was a cat, not even that it was a kitten. He went over to help as quick as he could and slightly lifted up the branch and took the little guy. The cat was, malnourished, most likely had broken bones, and had a serious gash in it stomach. He felt sympathy for the poor little creature and decided to go home and fix him up.

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