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Hey my lovelies. So I had this idea but couldn't decide between the two ideas so I have written both. There are two small versions of my idea. Let me know what you guys think.

Luv ya <3


Y/N Pov

Yeah. I'm scared. Crazy scared of thunder. Yeah I hate them. They are so loud and I feel like every time I them they are striking right next to me.

I'm fine if I have someone with me though. Mom sometimes comes to check on me and stays with me until I fall asleep, which normally ends up with her staying the night cause I'm a light sleeper.

But mostly its Chris. My big brother. I always find my way to his room. Just being with him I feel so safe. Even mom knows that. Mostly now days she sends Chris to check on me or he comes looking for me. That's if I haven't gone to his room yet.

Tonight was one of those days. It was a stupid thunderstorm today and it was pouring like crazy. Call me crazy but right now I'm shivering under my covers cause I feel like shadows are closing up on me.


Right then. Another loud crack of thunder. What a timing.

"I'm so done with this" I say jumping off of my bed with my blanket wrapped around me to head straight to Chris's room. Duhhh

It was past 2:40 and I knew Chris would be fast asleep. He came home so tired after his hectic day of work.

I feel bad waking him up but mom isn't home and he always gets mad if I decide to go to mom cause he is tired. He always tells me that he is never too tired nor too busy for me. I'm his favorite girl and he always has time for me.

I knock on his door but get no answer. I knock again and same thing. Next I reach for the nob and turn it to open his room. I open the door slowly so I don't startle him and walk up to his bed where he was fast asleep just as I guessed.

"Chrisie" I whisper first but he doesn't move a muscle.

"Chrisiee" I say a bit louder and this time he rolls over as a groan leaves his mouth.

"Why is my Kiddo awake?" he asks rubbing his eyes with his right hand and stretches his left hand for me in which I place my little one. Before I can reply a loud thunder booms, making me jump.

"Oh kiddo. Come here baby" he pulls me on to the bed and I lay down resting my head on his left arm as he wraps his other arm around me.

"Sorry. I tried to go back to sleep but they got too loud."I say snuggling close to him.

"Its okay to be scared baby. You know I'm right here. You can always come to me." he pulls me closer to him and instantly I feel warmer and safe.

" I know. I love you Chrisie" I whisper snuggling closer.

"I love you too baby. Always." he kisses my forehead and I feel my eyes getting heavy slowly.




Chris' s Pov

I had my headphones on as I was blazing music while replying to a few emails. My schedule was so hectic for the past couple of days that I lost track of a few emails. I hate it when this happens cause then I have to reply to a bulk of them which takes longer.

Once I was done with the last one I close my laptop and see the clock that was sitting on my desk. It was 1 in the morning and I had been sitting in front of my laptop for over an hour now.

I rub my eyes and reach for my phone to stop the music that was playing from it. I do that along with taking the ear bud out of my ear and the first thing I hear is a loud crash of thunder which takes me by surprise and I jump. I hadn't realized it was raining.

I shake my head for getting scared and get up to go to bed when I realize something. Y/N. She hasn't come looking for me. Mom and Scott are not at home too so where is she? She would never sleep alone when there is thunder. She has always been scared.

I quickly put my phone on the bed along with my ear bud and walk to her room. I slowly open the door making sure I don't wake her up in case she was asleep. Unlikely but still.

Just as I thought, I see her huddled up at the head of the bed under her blanket.

"Baby" I whisper more to myself and approach her. I slowly pull the blanket down making her jump and hug her knees with her eyes closed.

"Easy" I say softly as I sit next to her, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her on to my lap. As soon as she knows its me she relaxes in my arms, snuggling closer, making me smile.

"Why didn't you come find me petal?" I ask rubbing her back to calm her down.

"I came to your room bu- but you were working so didn't want to bother you." she says with a crack in her voice.

"Hey look at me" I say pulling back and placing my index finger under her chin to lift her head up so she would look at me. "I've told you this before. Never hesitate to call me for anything. What if I was working on something. I know I would drop everything for you right. Nothing is more important than you are to me, precious. You should have come and called me. You stayed up for so long cause you were scared of the thunder. You know I would have given you my special Chrisie cuddles to make you fall asleep if you would have called me" I say making her smile a bit.

"Come on you're sleeping in my room today" I say carrying her in my arms. Once I get to m room I place her on the bed and lay down next to her. She snuggles closer to as soon as I lay next to her and I pull her closer just the way she likes it. She always called it then Chrisie cuddles when she was a baby. I found it so cute when she said that.

"Go to sleep petal. Chrisie's right here." I say placing a soft kiss to her forehead and I feel her relaxing and her eyes get heavy before they close peacefully and she moves closer to me one last time before falling asleep in my arms.


Let me know what you guys think

Will post the next one soon


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