Holding his sister for the first time.

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Lisa's pov

My baby girl is finally here.  I'm so happy. Exhausted too but so happy. It's been two hours since she's come out of my belly. I'm currently holding her in my arms after feeding her, waiting for her brothers to get here so they can see their baby  sister for the first time.

Both Chris and Scott were so excited when they knew that they were going to have a baby sister.

So excited that they couldn't wait. Chris being the oldest could at least understand the little things i told him about the baby but Scott would come up to me everyday asking if the baby was here. I tried telling him so many times that the baby won't be here too soon and also mentioned 9 months  but he would always ask :

"Is nine months tomorrow?"

And i would say "no" and then he would ask

"Is it day after?" And my heart would melt every time seeing how excited he was. Chris was already preparing to be a big brother.....again. 

I had my sister watching them at home when I was rushed to the hospital.

She must be on her way bringing them here. Just as I thought that I hear a knock and a smile grows on my face.

"Come in" I say and I see the door open and a VERY excited Scott comes in running to me.

"Hi mamma is she here ?" He asks grinning and nod at my little boy.

"She's here. Meet your baby sister honey" I shift the baby a little in my arms so he could she her.

A giggle escapes his mouth as he gently touches the baby's cheek.
" She so tiny mamma"

"Well so were you when you came out my belly Mr." I say pulling his cheeks making him giggle more.

"How are you feeling?" My sister asks coming close to me.

"Sore as always but fine." I tell her.

"Can I?" she asks pointing at the little bundle in my arms . She was moving her small hands while Scott was holing on gently.

"Of course." I say carefully handing the baby to her.

Once I've handed her over I look around the room to see Chris standing at the door. He had a blank almost a doubtful expression on his face while looking at the baby.

"He was all excited when he knew you were here having the baby. But as soon as I told him we were going to see the baby he's been quite like this. Won't tell me what's wrong." My sister says sitting down on the couch.

There's a lot of reactions children give when they get to know that they are going to have a sister or a brother or when they see them for the first time. Its normal for kids to think that their mom won't care for them anymore or feel ignored. Its very normal. Its how the parents deal with that which is important. But I know for a fact its not something like that in his mind. He never had that when I had Scott too. Its definitely something else.

"Honey" I call out to him to get his expression. "Hi baby. Come here." I say as soon as he looks at me.

He walks up to me with that same expression and I pull him into a hug.

"Hi ma." he says not back to looking at his sister.

"Hi bubba what's on your mind? Don't you want to see your baby sister?" I ask him still holding him close.

"What if I can't be the best brother?" He asks looking up at me properly this time.

So that's the reason

"Oh why do think that baby?" I ask to get a clear picture.

"I want her to like me mamma. How do I know if she'll like me?" he asks quietly.

"Well I know she will love you and Scott so much because you both are the best brothers she can ever have. I know you boys will take care of her, play with her. Won't you do all that?" I ask him trying to fix this.

"Of course. She's our baby sister. " He says nodding to everything I said.

"Exactly so why won't she love you. She loves you so much" I tell him again.

"She loves me?" he asks again like he can't believe it.

"So much honey. I know you're going to be an amazing brother. Big brother too. Look how much you've grown. Not only do you have Scott but you have your baby sister now too. You are a big brother to two of your siblings. Think you can manage?" I ask jokingly like I'm talking to an adult and he giggles a bit nodding his head.

"Go meet your sister then. She's been wanting to meet you" I tell him pointing at the baby and he walks to her slowly.

"Why don't you sit down so you can hold her properly?" My sister tells him and he follows her instruction.

As soon as he sits she slowly places the baby on his lap and showing him how to hold her head and he does just that. He looks at his sister with a small smile on his face, melting my heart yet again.

"Hi baby sister. I'm your big brother. Oh wait that's Scott. I'm your big big brother." he says changing what's right to wrong rather than the other way. But hey a kid's mind is always right for them. Scott is her 'big' brother so Chris becomes her 'big big' brother. I totally get it.

"We're going to play with you everyday and do everything for you. You can play with my cars too. They are yours too if you want them. I love you so much" he says and leans down to place a small kiss to her forehead. I eyes get glossy as I remember this same image. It was like deja vu. He had kissed Scott's forehead the same way when he held him for the first time. He was younger obviously and did that cause he had seen me kiss his forehead but this time he did it on his own.

Right then I see his beautiful blue eyes widening. He looks at me slowly getting excited so I look at the baby to see what he was getting excited for. Right then I see a small smile growing on her lips, holding it just for a couple of seconds while she had her eyes fixed on Chris.

"She's smiling at me" Chris says excited before looking down at his sister.

"She's happy to see her brother" I tell him and his smile grows.

"You boys have a name for her?" I ask them, curious to know.

"Oh Chris does" Scott says still looking at the baby. She had her tiny hand wrapped around his little index and middle finger.

"Oh yeah?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"I thought of one." he mumbles while carefully holding his sister.

"What is it honey?" I ask

"Can we name her ( y/n ) ?" he asks looking at me briefly.

I smile at him nodding my head.

(Y/N), That is a nice name. Don't know where he got that from or how he thought that but its nice.

"(Y/N) it is then" I tell him and he smiles proudly.

"Our baby (Y/N)" he says smiling at me and I nod.

Our baby.


Hey guys. It's been a while. Sorry for making you wait.

Hope you like this.

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Love ya <3<3<3<3

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