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"Change of plans everybody," Techno says to the other two occupants in the living room. Both men look up from what they are doing, Phil looks up from his laptop while Wilbur looks up from his takeout menu and phone. They give Techno a surprised look, not expecting Techno to just randomly say that. Out of the three of them, Techno rarely made plans outside of the family.

"I've got somewhere to be tomorrow. So our client is going to have to wait on the flash drive." Techno adds before he starts to walk towards the kitchen. Wilbur drops the menu from how surprised he is by Techno's words. While Phil had tilted his head, confused. He was the only one who handles the clients so if he didn't finish the flash drive with all the information in it, it wasn't going to get done.

"Wait wait wait what? Techno you have plans tomorrow? What are you doing?" Wilbur tries to get more out of his quiet twin. Wilbur was easily the clingiest out of the group and Techno is pretty sure Wilbur would combust if he thought someone in the family was doing something dangerous alone.

Techno makes a noise in the back of his throat that sounds like a grunt. "It's..." he pauses, trying to think of the right term. "Personal matters that I can't avoid." He settles with being vague about his plans. Techno doesn't want his family to butt in on his problems and he didn't think it was a big deal. Plus he wouldn't hear the end of it from Phil who loves to coo whenever one of the twins did something soft-hearted. Techno wasn't soft-hearted. He was being forced to. That woman's ability trapped him into being a decent person for a few hours.

"Mate, is everything okay? You usually don't keep things from us?" Phil speaks up this time and Techno could feel the uncertainty in Phil's voice. Even the way Phil's tone thinned and strained lightly when he said the word mate, makes Techno's heart squeeze. Okay, maybe Techno was a bit soft for his family. They could easily bring out emotions in Techno that even he didn't know he could feel.

"Yeah. I just gotta go do something for an hour or so. I'll be back before you know it." Techno keeps his voice light and even in hopes that it calms his family's worries. "It's nothing violent anyways, stop worrying old man. You'll get more gray hairs." He teases Phil as he comes out of the kitchen with a raw potato in hand.

Phil rolls his eyes and mutters "oh you little shit" while Wilbur laughs and giggles from it all. "Old man Phil worried over his little fletchling son" Wilbur laughs more at his own joke since no one else is going to. Techno could tell that Wilbur is picturing Techno with hawk wings or something stupid instead of his tusks and pointy ears of a piglin hybrid.

Techno's ear flicks a little with fake annoyance. He doesn't want to give Wilbur anymore of an ego if he were to smile at the joke. Phil places both hands on Wilbur and starts to shake him roughly, as punishment for teasing him. "Ahhhh! Stop! My hair!" Wilbur whines as he laughs.

"I'm not old!" Phil yells, only fueling Wilbur's laughs more.

Techno rolls his eyes, "I'm going to my room" he informs them both as he leaves them to their roughhousing. As he closed his door, he could hear Phil laughing his ass off while Wilbur yells this time.

When morning comes Techno wakes up with a jolt, remembering what is meant to happen today. He gets up and gets dressed in his villain attire that's fully clean and patch up. He walks past Phil and an asleep Wilbur in the kitchen sitting at the counter with his head down. Phil mouths the word 'Twitter' and he immediately understands what Wilbur has been doing since he last saw him. He rolls his eyes and grabs an apple and leaves the penthouse with a mutter of goodbye to Phil. He climbs into his unsuspecting average car and heads out to the hospital.

Techno passes a Goodwill and remembers that the Make-A-Wish woman had mentioned that her kid liked stuffed animals. He turns into the Goodwill quickly and investigates the stuffed animals' section. He passes over an old pig with a royal getup but decides to go with a cow that has a red and white shirt on. He buys another smaller plushy of a spider and asks the nervous cashier if they have any boxes or bags for presents. The cashier quickly nods and pulls out a box from behind the register with trembling hands.

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