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Techno rubs his tired eyes as he loosely listens to the rant Tommy is currently working on. This one is about how Tommy didn't know the word gumption, but he's been using that word for a few days now. Which maybe was strange since no one here has ever used that word before. So Tommy had randomly picked it up, and now Wilbur is struggling to explain the word fully to the kid. They haven't even started off the morning together, having just been given a light breakfast.

Techno feels maybe it was time for a fun break. Now don't get him wrong, these recent days have felt very fulfilling to Techno. But they need a small break from the usual routine that they seem to have fallen into.

Pulling out his phone, Techno texts his assistant to clear his schedule for a few days and give a heads up to their private plane and pilot. Maybe Techno should get Tommy a private doctor that can follow them to places for situations like this. Then again, Techno remembers seeing how Tommy interacted with his doctor back at the hospital. Dr. Manifold. They are pretty friendly, probably having a long history. Then maybe Techno could try and get Dr. Manifold to quit the hospital and be on their payroll instead.

"Tech! Hello! Techno! Tell Will that I'm right!" Tommy's voice snaps Techno out of his thought process on buying a doctor. Looking up from his phone, Techno sees Tommy leaning over his side of the table to get more in Techno's face. Behind his Starlight's head is Wilbur, sitting across from him with a smirk on his face.

"Tommy is right," Techno says without any hesitation in his words or tone. Agreeing with Tommy is always dangerous, but it kept the kid happy and less kicky in the mornings.

Wilbur frowns as if he didn't already know that Techno would betray Wilbur for a bag of expired chips. "Techno! I thought we were brothers!" Wilbur sounds fake hurt as he clinches the front of his shirt like he's just barely holding on. What a drama king.

Techno cringes at the silly familial title that Wilbur would always use as a joke. "Don't start." He rolls his eyes at his brother and tones out of the conversation. Techno wants a moment to figure out what he wants. The right word was just on the tip of his tongue.

"Oh yeah? I'd love a vacation away from this argument." Wilbur told Tommy while still in the argument.

"Not a bad idea, Wil," Techno says as he gets to work on figuring which vacation spot they should visit on his phone. Techno knows of a few sites that Phil likes to visit randomly.

"Hey! Techno! I thought you were on my side!" Tommy yells with the same fake hurt tone that Wilbur must've taught him. Techno heart swoops at the thought of them getting along so well.

"Not that. I just thought we should take a short vacation. What do you think? Sounds fun?" Techno asks, trying to gauge how Tommy feels about this. Maybe the kid wouldn't be up for it emotionally or physically. Now that Techno thinks about it, Tommy has been having some discomfort with his jaw and back.

Tommy's eyes sparkle again like he just found out that he can have his cake and eat it. "What? Like going on a picnic?" Tommy asked, not fully grasping that they could do more than just a picnic.

Techno shakes his head. "Eh, more like we go visit an old house of ours for a few days. We would pack clothes and take them on a plane with us. Would you like to do that?" Techno tries his best to explain it in simpler terms.

Tommy takes a moment to consider all of Techno's words before nodding enthusiastically. "Yeah! Let's go!" Tommy shouts. He is already buzzing with excitement. "Let's pack now!"

"Hold up. Finish your fruit first. Then we can go start packing after I chat with Phil about what's the plan." Techno explains as he starts to list everything he needs to do beforehand in his head. He even slightly notices that Wilbur is already clearing his schedule on his phone while shoving food down his mouth. Similar to Tommy, shoving fruit in his mouth.

Wishing on a Dying StarOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora