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Niki is seen sitting just outside the door to the room, reading a thick book. Out steps Techno. Niki looks up at the taller man and smiles tiredly. "Did Tommy have fun?"

"Uh yeah. I don't think I've heard someone ask so many questions in such little time. He can spin a great story, though." Techno responds, making Niki's smile widen.

"That's good. I know Tommy gets bored easily during his resting periods here at the hospital. I'm sure every employee has already heard of the great story of that one time Tommy got a fidget toy stuck in his nose for a few hours."

Techno's eyebrows furrow at the mention of resting periods. "What do you mean by rest periods? Isn't he here all the time?"

"He's only here till he's stable to rest at home. He has another week and a half or so of rest before he's released. As you can tell, the thing he does to entertain himself is to annoy anyone within shouting distance till he's free from here." Niki explains as she moves back to the front foyer. Techno hums and looks behind the two back at Tommy's door.

Niki watches him from the corner of her eye and giggles, "You can visit whenever you want, but please call ahead. Don't want to give our secretary a heart attack as one of the top villains just walks in." Techno huffs at the remark and gives the hospital a good look.

There are only hybrids here. Techno looks down another hallway and sees only hybrids. "Where are all the humans? Aren't you a normal hospital?"

"Well, we are a hospital, but we don't get much funding, and humans usually want to stick with the more funded hospitals with less "filth." We do a lot of fundraisers to help get medicine and proper treatment for the sick here, but that's a gamble on how much we raise, and we sometimes have to cut people short." Niki explains as she shows Techno a room through a window of a sick patient looking at their almost empty iv with a sad look.

Techno's eyebrows pinch and look away. He turns back to the main hallway and continues to the foyer. He walks up to the secretary and pulls out his checkbook, writing an expensive check for the hospital. The lady looks at the check and back at him, ensuring he's alright with the amount. He turns to the doors, sighing, and leaves. Phil's gonna question where the money went later.

Techno walks into the mansion and speeds over to his room, not giving Wilbur or Phil the time to ask why he's back so late. He changes out of his villain wardrobe and flops onto the massive bed, contemplating what had happened earlier. He falls asleep thinking about the blinding smile that Tommy owns.

Techno goes about the next day with a molasses-like mood. Both Phil and Wilbur notice but decide to wait for Techno to open up to them instead of asking him. Which Techno appreciates greatly. He couldn't fully understand why he feels so empty, and when he tries to think about it, his mind wanders to Tommy. Techno bets Tommy is talking his head off to some poor nurse or is taking a nap right now since it's close to noon. Maybe Tommy is eating jello. Hospitals always serve jello. Techno wonders if he could bring Tommy food. The kid would probably kill for a burger or something. Or what if he gets Tommy a spare cape he has. Tommy would absolutely love it, and it could help keep the small kid warm since he seems to run chilly.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Techno finishes the flash drive for the client and is getting ready to go with Phil and Wilbur to the meeting place. Techno didn't care for this part of the mission. It was more of Wilbur's or Phil's area of expertise. Techno just came to give them back up, mainly since he couldn't care for the chatting and negotiating. He notes all of his weapons before following his family out of the mansion and to the car.

The ride to the meetup place was located at an abandoned warehouse that had nothing special going for it. Techno finds himself mindlessly following Phil to the lone table in the middle of the dark building. The clients were already waiting for them at the table. Phil starts the conversation, and Techno immediately zones out. His mind wanders as he watches Phil hand the flash drive to the two clients, Carl and Oreli. Some of their goons eye Techno as he stood utterly still behind Phil, doing his only job, intimidation.

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