Solar System

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Everything rushes by Techno in a blur. The world feels like it had been tipped over by a few degrees, and only Techno could feel the difference. He clings to Tommy, barely saving his boy from hitting his head on the ground.

Words are being said around him, but all he can hear is the high pitch static roaring in his head. Nothing feels real, yet it all seems too real, like every second is a new circle of hell. Phil must have been barking orders around because when Techno finally snaps back into reality, Tommy is gently being pulled out of Techno's stiff arms.

An unnatural growl slips out of Techno as he clutches Tommy, refusing to let anyone take him. A gentle hand is placed on Techno's shoulder. Techno would've taken a bite out of the hand if he weren't so focused on Tommy.

"Easy, easy. Techno, let them take Tommy. You can go with them. But you have to let them help him first, mate." Phil says as he kneels next to Techno on the ground.

Techno peels his eyes away from Tommy's unconscious body to look at Phil. For a moment there, Techno had wholly forgotten that there were other people there with him. Phil's eyebrows were set as a slight frown, and his eyes looked like they were begging Techno to return to his senses.

Techno whips his eyes back to Tommy as he lets the boy be pulled out of his arms by the paramedics. 'Oh, when did they get there?' Techno hums as he stands up and follows them to the parked ambulance.

The driver waves for Techno to follow him to the front of the ambulance and opens the door to the front passenger side. Techno slips in and sees that between the driver's seat and the passenger's seat is a small walkway to the back, where Tommy is lying on a stretcher. The other paramedic is closing the back doors, and for a moment, Techno can see Phil and Wilbur rushing to get into their car with their luggage.

Techno snaps out of his haze when the engine comes to life around him. "Go to L'Hospital. His Doctor is there," Techno explains to the driver, who frowns. The man turns to the female paramedic checking over Tommy, "L'Hospital? Or SMP Hospital?" The man asks his partner. The woman looks up and glances at Techno before saying, "L'Hospital would be better for him. He's a hybrid, and SMP would've just transferred him somewhere else."

There is a moment of silence between the three. They all knew SMP Hospital is the more funded hospital, but it is also a hospital that only cares for humans and turns away hybrids, despite the equality for all, bullshit laws.

"L'Hospital it is. I'll send them a heads-up," the driver says as they tap on the GPS.

Techno's mind hazes over the trip, and not long after, he notices that his body is automatically moving to open the door and get out. The two paramedics carried Tommy's stretcher out of the ambulance. With what Techno assumes as practiced ease, they transfer Tommy's unconscious body into an awaiting hospital bed. Techno looks away from Tommy when he hears the automatic Hospital doors screech open with Dr. Beck speed walking over to them.

The female paramedic, who is holding a clipboard, hands it out for Dr. Beck to take. "Name is Tommy Soot, age 15, collapsed after flying in a plane. High heart rate of...." Techno's mind fizzles out as more medical terms are thrown around. The loud roaring of static comes back to him at full force. He feels like everything is being ripped away again. As if he were a planet that suddenly lost his star. The very being that held gravity to his life. Without it, he is doomed to drift away into the void.

While in his trance, Techno follows Tommy's bed as it is wheeled into the tall building. Techno walks behind the bed, where the kid's head lays. His face is cluttered with tubs that are either around his nose or in his mouth. To Tommy's right is Dr. Beck, who is talking fast with the female paramedic on Tommy's left. They pass a clipboard between each other as they make their way through the hallway.

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