My opinion on valduggery

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This chapter is dedicated to all the valduggery shippers who still continued to read my book even though I bashed their ship.

When i first heard of valduggery, i couldn't believe people actually shipped it. I couldn't understand how anyone could think valduggery was a good thing.
But what I didn't realise was that valduggery has an much larger following then fletchyrie does. When I found THAT out i was in for a shock.

And since then I have been adjusting. TDOTL helped, with a bit of possibly valduggery ideas in it. I still don't ship it. But I understand it. I can now understand why you think they were meant to be.

And quite frankly if i continue to discriminate valduggery shippers i won't get nearly as many people reading and voting on my book.

So. Today marks the day when I stop discriminating. The day when I remove valduggery from my list of worst ships. I still don't ship it. But i will leave it be.

Fellow fletchyrie shippers, don't feel like I have betrayed you. I still ship fletchyrie to the core. But there is too much hatred between ships and it needs to stop.

-dr nye
(And cast your vote on the what should i call you chapter if you haven't already)

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