Harry potter vs skulduggery pleasant

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Harry potter: wizards use wands and if they are dropped or broken, the wizard is defenceless

Skulduggery pleasant: sorcerers don't need wands and use their hands

Harry potter: wizards need broomsticks to fly

Skulduggery pleasant: elementals manipulate the air. Again you can see the wizard's dependance on tools

Harry potter: wizards live the same length as mortals

Skulduggery pleasant: sorcerers live for up to 1000 years

Harry potter: wizards do not understand guns and don't train to use anything other than a wand

Skulduggery pleasant: sorcerers are trained in magic, martial arts, street fighting and they use guns, swords, straight razors etc

Harry potter: when people die, they stay dead and necromancy doesn't work

Skulduggery pleasant: necromancy is an official magical discipline and the main charactor of the books is a living skeleton

Doesn't take a genius to work out which one's better.


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