Chapter Five: Cooperation

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A Star's Descent

By evolution-500

Disclaimer: House of the Dead and Resident Evil are properties belonging to SEGA and Capcom respectively. I do not own any of these characters.

Chapter Five: Cooperation

Arklay Management Training Facility

Location: Control Room

William Birkin pressed both his index finger and thumb on the bridge of his nose, trying to keep himself from entering a state of apoplexy as he assessed the situation.

'This should have been an easy operation. Why the hell do things have to be so complicated?' he thought to himself.

In front of him were various monitors that recorded live security feeds within the facility. As Birkin raised his head up to face the monitor, he turned to his right to look at his associate, a tall blonde man wearing sunglasses, who waited patiently next to a microphone on a desk. His face was unreadable. Birkin found himself envying the man for his ability to maintain his composure.

"What's taking Delta so long?" he asked.

His associate, Albert, was silent.

He sighed.

William and Albert were the supervisors in charge of Delta Team, one of Umbrella's security detachments for specimen handling. Thirty minutes ago, Delta Team was deployed within the designated area via stealth helicopter. After rappelling from their vehicle, several hundred meters from target destination, they had trekked through the forest. Aside from investigating the T-Virus leak within Arklay Forest, the mission perimeters were simple: secure the Ecliptic Express, assess the situation and above all, secure the vehicle's cargo.

When Delta Team arrived onto the scene, however, things were completely out of hand. The four-man unit appeared in front of the vehicle, where they managed to catch a glimpse through the rain and the storm. Aside from T-Virus-infected cadavers hungrily munching away on what looked like a stewardess, the container that once held the specimen was torn to shreds. The specimen was nowhere to be found. Even worse, from the sounds of gunfire, there were survivors.

That was when Albert made the order: crash the train and eliminate all incriminating evidence.

The radio in front of the blonde man crackled.

"This is Delta Team, this is Delta Team. We have taken control of the train. Over," the man on the other line said.

"Understood," Albert replied into the microphone, his voice low and silky smooth.

"This doesn't make any sense," murmured Birkin, "How did the T-Virus leak? And why did it contaminate both the lab and the mansion, as well as a train that was three miles away?"

The blonde covered the mike. "That's irrelevant. We must make certain no knowledge of this gets out. What matters is ensuring that whatever evidence is destroyed, starting with that train." He then pulled his hand away from the microphone and resumed, his voice flat and emotionless, "How far away are you from the nearest branch line?"

"Ten minutes. Ten minutes until-"

The man's sentence was cut off as a scream pierced the background, followed by gunfire.

"What the hell is that?!"

"Delta One! Come in Delta One!" Albert spoke.

"Something's got hold of Delta Four! Deltas Two and Three, provide covering- AHHH! What are these things?! Get them off! GET THEM OFF!"

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